Your go to advanced paramaters?


Just curious which advanced parameters people are digging most that I should be concentrating more on.

Somewhere between V7 and V9 the feel of my presets have drifted towards very stiff and compressed. My setup is very basic with just an amp block that's clean w/ slight breakup and a light delay block (sometimes the reverb block). Far from heavy distortion. More towards the vintage clean/light drive open sound. I'm running through a port city 2x12 cab powered by the matrix GT1000 and have the cabs disabled.

The adv paramaters that have helped so far were increasing the Sag, lowering B+ and then lowering the transformer match. Any other parameters I should be looking at I might have missed?
The Bright Cap is a parameter I always adjust and is my first go-to parameter in the advanced block, then sometimes the Low Cut.
Play with Dynamics, Preamp Dynamics and Pick Attack.

These seem to be working for me. I find myself raising the dynamics then raising the dynamics time while having the preamp dynamics around 50% while lowering the preamp dyn time.

My ears are guiding me towards a more/less compressed / present tone when working with these knobs. Is that correct?
Good forum question! I'm about to be in re-tweaking mode as soon as my Matrix amp shows up. I wish Fractal would put out some formal videos on setting advanced parameters when using straight cabs and other videos on powered cab combination's etc with the Axe Fx. Hopefully sometime down the road Cliff will put out some personal videos with tips, demo's and suggestions for various set-up tweaking. I have seen few if any videos on the detailed advanced parameters, I know for me I spend hours tweaking the more obvious parameters as I page through the Layout tabs and don't often know where to begin with all the hundreds of advanced options. Because the Axe Fx 2 sounds so good out of the box I think many of us just get complacent or intimidated which is frustrating because as we upgrade our cabs and amps we all want the Axe Fx to be working at it max potential!

I can't express how happy I am with my Axe Fx 2 I just wish I understood how to run the detailed technology in this thing, especially as I upgrade my equipment. Bottom line though, all the hours I spend with this thing are not wasted, it's a steep learning curve and it's a blast to play with, just takes time, patience, this forum, and youTube. :)
Play with Dynamics, Preamp Dynamics and Pick Attack.

My ears are guiding me towards a more/less compressed / present tone when working with these knobs. Is that correct?
That's a pretty good description. Less-compressed tones are more dynamic, and vice-versa.

The Dynamics knobs are part of what makes the Axe-Fx exceptional. You could never have such a control in a real tube amp. Each twist of the Dynamics knob simulates multiple circuit changes. That's a week or more in the shop for a "real" amp.
...I know for me I spend hours tweaking the more obvious parameters as I page through the Layout tabs and don't often know where to begin with all the hundreds of advanced options. Because the Axe Fx 2 sounds so good out of the box I think many of us just get complacent or intimidated which is frustrating because as we upgrade our cabs and amps we all want the Axe Fx to be working at it max potential!
Scott Peterson is a big proponent of the keep-it-simple method, and I think that's a great way to start. The only way to really understand what each parameter does is to play with it, and that takes time.

Dial in your sound using just the knobs you'd find on a "real" amp: Volume, Tone, Gain and Master. Then set aside 15 or 20 minutes to get to know just one parameter. Read up on it in the manual and the Wiki. Then experiment with just that one parameter. Try it out with a few different presets. If you don't hear a significant difference, don't mess with that parameter in your tones. You can always revisit it later.

If you do that every day for a month, you'll know more than any video could tell you. And you'll still have great tones every day of that month. :)
These seem to be working for me. I find myself raising the dynamics then raising the dynamics time while having the preamp dynamics around 50% while lowering the preamp dyn time.

My ears are guiding me towards a more/less compressed / present tone when working with these knobs. Is that correct?

No, raising the dynamics knob actually increases compression so reduces dynamic range.
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