Your favorite amp

I'm curious to hear which amp you gravitate to more than any other. Also of interest would be the cab you use with it.
Well, I certainly couldn't name a single favourite amp because it depends so much on the musical style. Currently my most used patches use:
- Country - Dr Z
- Pop covers - Trainwreck
- Jazz - Deluxe Reverb
- Rock - Shiva
and the current favourite cabinet is Own hammer's Bognor V30 from the investment offer.
Have you tried the USA Rhythm with the boost engaged ? The stock 2290 Delay preset is the one I have been playing with and I'm liking it a lot for that pushed clean tone, you do need to bring the input trim down a little.

Thanks, Six. I will surely give that a try.

The other contenders that I liked for that role were:
101 - Splawn 1
55 - FAS Rhythm
95 - Suhr Badger 30
64 - Cameron 1

In the few minutes I spent auditioning them, they weren't beating out the Buttery (for me), but I'm sure that with a minimum of effort, any of those above models would sound fabulous.
I discovered the Atomica High recently. Very recently, so it might be a bit early, but at the moment I think I can get everything from it via volume knob changes. Really, everything, from fat clean over bluesy "grit" up to modern high gain. :)
I discovered the Atomica High recently. Very recently, so it might be a bit early, but at the moment I think I can get everything from it via volume knob changes. Really, everything, from fat clean over bluesy "grit" up to modern high gain. :)

Haven't used that model yet, going to have to try it.
I'll be that guy. 5150 3.

I've always gravitated to the 5150 sound with the gain dialed back and more of the power amp pushing. Don't get me wrong, it can get brutally heavy, but I think its the extra midrange and grit that is in the sound that I miss when I play other amps.
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