Would you ever take Depp as a great muscian? Or forever, a one time A list Hollywood Actor?

I don't want to knock anyone if they're having fun and not hurting anyone, but I saw the final Beck tour which included Depp.

Myself, one of my bandmates and my son all had the exact same reaction.
When Johnny finally came onstage, all the women in the audience went crazy.
I was thinking to myself, "Geez, that's fucking Jeff Beck up there slaying dragons and this guy just walks out and gets more applause?"
For real.
Imagine trying to convince your wife/GF to attend a Jeff Beck concert and the only thing that's the dealmaker is a J.Depp presence.
Much like DeNiro, Pacino, Bogart, Hoffman…

My wife would say Matthew McConaughey always plays himself. But I disagree in a way ...

He can play a ridiculous stoner, romcom man-child, adventurous action dude, smart and cunning lawyer, ... etc.

But I think he is still playing aspects of himself in all those roles - so in a way they are all him. Jeff Bridges is similar. Depth based on self maybe?
This comment seems beneath you.

I found Mr Souza’s website and videos. It looks like he’s having fun making music and posting videos - 1.5K YouTube subscribers - good for him! I think I’ll subscribe.
No, NOT beneath him. Just very accurate and honest. I would elaborate, very easily, but I do not want hurt anyone's feelings
No, NOT beneath him. Just very accurate and honest. I would elaborate, very easily, but I do not want hurt anyone's feelings

I think Adrian is still figuring out aspects of himself (musically and otherwise) like most of us - including myself! And I am around his same age at mid way over the half century mark. So previous posts about models aside, we are all works in progress.

His posts on guitar are all about self improvement. Who among this forum (from the best to the newbie) doesn't want that?
I think Adrian is still figuring out aspects of himself (musically and otherwise) like most of us - including myself! And I am around his same age at mid way over the half century mark. So previous posts about models aside, we are all works in progress.

His posts on guitar are all about self improvement. Who among this forum (from the best to the newbie) doesn't want that?
i agree with this. but often he'll bring up talk about live gigs, for example. he'll ask for advice, we give it and he'll say things akin to "it's not like that" or "i wouldn't do that" etc. the advice was very basic, standard things.

but he hasn't done any gigs yet. that itself isn't the problem, but shunning advice or saying it's wrong from a standpoint of never experiencing a gig is off-putting and frustrating to deal with. suggesting to do a quick open mic or something very simple, low pressure, we are told he's going to work over the next 5 years on 20 songs and start gigging after those 5 years.

earlier in the year, i was actually cheerleading for him to at least perform on twitch - which he did a few times - to get some kind of experience where you have to keep going like a gig, yet from the safety of home with all your stuff and no real pressure... it's a livestream do whatever you want. i answered many of his questions and provided helpful insight. answered direct messages for the gear needed for streaming etc. he was cooperative and the advice helped him successfully stream.

some time after that though, his responses on the public forum were frustrating as i described above, and many of his recent threads were "this or that: discuss" traps where he already had an opinion formed ahead of time and then dropped it in the middle of the discussion, making the former posts a waste of time.

there's a definite "you need to be a rockstar to be a musician" angle in his view of music, and that's hard to break through in simple discussion. it always wins out during discussion of normal people doing music.

i have no judgment on his playing and videos, but they do reveal facts about current skills. earlier in the year, he stated he wanted to start gigging and doing what he does in the videos. it's just the guitar part of popular songs with no backing tracks or singing. with distortion and effects. at the beginning, a few of us were trying to steer him in a better (our opinion i guess) direction posing the question would anyone hire that type of performance? it's not typical - which could be a plus - but a bar or restaurant with a mid-range-only instrument with distortion just playing the guitar parts out of time (rubato) may not be anyone's cup of tea for entertainment. again, my (and other's) opinions.

then some push back started regarding our thoughts on that type of performance, so many of us fell off and stopped helping. sorta let him do what he's gonna do.

that's where some of the sentiment from a few of us comes from, history from previous experiences and discussions.

this forum is a wealth of information with very experienced professionals. to ask a question then say no to the advice - when you haven't done the thing you're asking about ever - is frustrating to witness. then a bevy of gaslighting posts... frustrating.

i think most of us want him to succeed. 20 years playing guitar is a good amount of time to be successful in some way. 5 years to learn 20 songs seems like too much before even trying a gig to see if it's something you want to do.

i hope he starts his twitch stream up again and does a consistent 1 day a week or something similar. he already has 1021 followers there with just a handful of short streams. the potential is there. the work has to follow.
i agree with this. but often he'll bring up talk about live gigs, for example. he'll ask for advice, we give it and he'll say things akin to "it's not like that" or "i wouldn't do that" etc. the advice was very basic, standard things.

but he hasn't done any gigs yet. that itself isn't the problem, but shunning advice or saying it's wrong from a standpoint of never experiencing a gig is off-putting and frustrating to deal with. suggesting to do a quick open mic or something very simple, low pressure, we are told he's going to work over the next 5 years on 20 songs and start gigging after those 5 years.

earlier in the year, i was actually cheerleading for him to at least perform on twitch - which he did a few times - to get some kind of experience where you have to keep going like a gig, yet from the safety of home with all your stuff and no real pressure... it's a livestream do whatever you want. i answered many of his questions and provided helpful insight. answered direct messages for the gear needed for streaming etc. he was cooperative and the advice helped him successfully stream.

some time after that though, his responses on the public forum were frustrating as i described above, and many of his recent threads were "this or that: discuss" traps where he already had an opinion formed ahead of time and then dropped it in the middle of the discussion, making the former posts a waste of time.

there's a definite "you need to be a rockstar to be a musician" angle in his view of music, and that's hard to break through in simple discussion. it always wins out during discussion of normal people doing music.

i have no judgment on his playing and videos, but they do reveal facts about current skills. earlier in the year, he stated he wanted to start gigging and doing what he does in the videos. it's just the guitar part of popular songs with no backing tracks or singing. with distortion and effects. at the beginning, a few of us were trying to steer him in a better (our opinion i guess) direction posing the question would anyone hire that type of performance? it's not typical - which could be a plus - but a bar or restaurant with a mid-range-only instrument with distortion just playing the guitar parts out of time (rubato) may not be anyone's cup of tea for entertainment. again, my (and other's) opinions.

then some push back started regarding our thoughts on that type of performance, so many of us fell off and stopped helping. sorta let him do what he's gonna do.

that's where some of the sentiment from a few of us comes from, history from previous experiences and discussions.

this forum is a wealth of information with very experienced professionals. to ask a question then say no to the advice - when you haven't done the thing you're asking about ever - is frustrating to witness. then a bevy of gaslighting posts... frustrating.

i think most of us want him to succeed. 20 years playing guitar is a good amount of time to be successful in some way. 5 years to learn 20 songs seems like too much before even trying a gig to see if it's something you want to do.

i hope he starts his twitch stream up again and does a consistent 1 day a week or something similar. he already has 1021 followers there with just a handful of short streams. the potential is there. the work has to follow.

I know Chris! I'm always right about everything and it is very frustrating when I can't get people to listen to me.

Gosh knows I keep trying though.
I think Adrian is still figuring out aspects of himself (musically and otherwise) like most of us - including myself! And I am around his same age at mid way over the half century mark. So previous posts about models aside, we are all works in progress.

His posts on guitar are all about self improvement. Who among this forum (from the best to the newbie) doesn't want that?
Well the videos I watched and the dialog I hear from him do not support this at all. Maybe the videos I watched were someone else, who knows.
when you are at a certain level (like near the beginning) you should act and speak like that. Not knocking someone learning, the attitude is the issue for me-with anyone.
If you (you being anyone) are a killer guitar player and you sort of talk like you are, that's fine. when you are NOT, don't talk or act like that.
We were all beginners at one time. Guess what I mean is I KNEW my place when I was a beginner. Some do NOT!
Well the videos I watched and the dialog I hear from him do not support this at all. Maybe the videos I watched were someone else, who knows.
when you are at a certain level (like near the beginning) you should act and speak like that. Not knocking someone learning, the attitude is the issue for me-with anyone.
If you (you being anyone) are a killer guitar player and you sort of talk like you are, that's fine. when you are NOT, don't talk or act like that.
We were all beginners at one time. Guess what I mean is I KNEW my place when I was a beginner. Some do NOT!
Sounds like arrogance. Telling people if they're advanced they can brag and if they're beginners they're arrogant. I see nothing wrong with confidence at any stage in life be it a new born baby, or a seasoned vet in Hollywood.
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