Would you ever take Depp as a great muscian? Or forever, a one time A list Hollywood Actor?

Is playing standard blues based rock really that difficult after playing guitar for 30-40 years? I’m sure Johnny does it as well as most. The only thing he has that most us don’t: Access. And he definitely earned that.
Is playing standard blues based rock really that difficult after playing guitar for 30-40 years? I’m sure Johnny does it as well as most. The only thing he has that most us don’t: Access. And he definitely earned that.

Don’t forget that swagger, which Depp has in spades.
You don't have to be a great musician to connect with an audience. There's many "mediocre musicians" that have had successful careers that were never A-list actors. It doesn't matter.
It’s weird how I am a nobody can have lots of hobbies like photography, guitar, wood working et al and no one cares

If an otherwise famous person wants to take pictures, paint, play golf, play guitar etc, they are judged by it to a different degree…
I'm with Chris.

And has anyone watched a video of the OP? Things are put into perspective.
I'd normally NEVER write a thing like this, but this is the umpteenth pot stirring thread by the OP.
This comment seems beneath you.

I found Mr Souza’s website and videos. It looks like he’s having fun making music and posting videos - 1.5K YouTube subscribers - good for him! I think I’ll subscribe.
Steven Seagal's guitar. 1" high action. Applies nearly immeasurable light pressure on string - just performed Y. Malmsteen's Black Star.
Yeah he was such a shitty actor that even being much better at playing guitar still doesn't make him very good. In Depp's case I would say it is 90% swagger and 10% ability.

Lots of actors have side music projects Keanu Reeves, Keifer Sutherland, Kevin Bacon ...

Very few are actually good musicians.
Here's another - but Costner's voice actually kind of works for country. Of course he is backed by some talented Nashville session players cause he can afford them.

The best actor/musician that is now more musician/actor is probably Jared Leto. I would say without hesitation that he is very talented at both.
I honestly thing he is a great player. What he does, he does it very well.

And that guy no matter what he does, he’s the ultimate rock star.
And that’s a talent really few people on hearth have.
I saw him on Jeff Beck’s last tour. Lot of women in the audience haha. Jeff did his own thing and brought Johnny out for some songs. There were a few times when me and my son were busting up laughing because it was a little ridiculous. Some cringeworthy moments for sure. But hey, good for him getting to play with some excellent musicians. He doesn’t really fit in though.
I don't want to knock anyone if they're having fun and not hurting anyone, but I saw the final Beck tour which included Depp.

Myself, one of my bandmates and my son all had the exact same reaction.

When Johnny finally came onstage, all the women in the audience went crazy.

I was thinking to myself, "Geez, that's fucking Jeff Beck up there slaying dragons and this guy just walks out and gets more applause?"

But, you know, there must have been something there as Jeff did an album and a tour with him. I much prefer the Depp-less tracks, although I found the Ooh Baby Baby and What's Going On covers interesting.
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