[Wish] Minimum of wires, maximum freedom

Is the OP trying to sell us something ?

I can’t quite follow exactly what it is he’s suggesting or why I need it. My guitar is already wireless. I consider myself pretty well set.

Seems like he’s putting a lot of time and effort into some long posts, so what’s the angle ?
Put yourself in the place of developers of this device. How do you think the owners of tube amplifiers differed greatly from you in the argumentation?
I cannot understand what the OP is asking for.

It seems like he is asking for all cables (MIDI, audio, Faslink II) in his guitar rig to be replaced with wireless connections.

Then, it seems like he goes off on some tangent about USB cables (which, being cables, aren't wireless). [UPDATE: Oh, nevermind, I figured that part out; he doesn't want USB cables, he wants to get rid of USB cables, hence the desire for only wireless connections.]

He asks whether we watched a video, but so far as I can see he provided us no link to any video. (There are a couple of diagram images, but they just seem to be asking for everything to be wireless.) [ANOTHER UPDATE: Okay, I see where he's saying he can't embed a video link, so he says to go search YouTube for a video, but doesn't say what to search for.]

Then, it seems some folks are understanding him entirely differently: They think he's asking for the Axe FX III and its footcontroller (?!) to be transformed into a PCI card to be placed inside of a computer, so that (I suppose) we can all haul PCs to the gig. ('Cause I'm gonna look so much cooler with a Dell Inspiron standing behind me, than I would with a rackmounted Axe FX III...?!)

So, I'm at a loss.

I don't mind that OP struggles with his English. (Heck, my own command of the other two languages I kinda-sorta speak isn't as good as his command of English.) I don't want to criticize him over that.

But I just seriously don't get what the WISH is, here.

Can someone translate for me?
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I don't mind that OP struggles with his English. (Heck, my own command of the other two languages I kinda-sorta speak isn't as good as his command of English.) I don't want to criticize him over that.

Thank for it. For my it is really not easy. It is my fault
Can I ask you - did you watch my video?
What do I dislike about guitar processors? And how to fix it
I can not add a link here because I did not post 10 messages and my links are considered spam.
Thank for it. For my it is really not easy.
Can I ask you - did you watch my video?
What do I dislike about guitar processors? And how to fix it
I can not add a link here because I did not post 10 messages and my links are considered spam.
Ah, now I understand!

You wanted us to search for the query phrase, "What do I dislike about guitar processors? And how to fix it."

I didn't understand, previously, what to search for.

I'm looking for it on YouTube now.
Ah, now I understand!

You wanted us to search for the query phrase, "What do I dislike about guitar processors? And how to fix it."

I didn't understand, previously, what to search for.

I'm looking for it on YouTube now.

Sorry my english very bad.

if you wont video use search on youtube
What do I dislike about guitar processors? And how to fix it
This topic is more relevant to such devices as the AX8.
Because few people will risk, drag every day, if device cost like fighter.
In my first message
let's see. maybe i can now attach video.

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Okay, Aleksey,

I have watched your video. I understand what you are saying, now.

(Or, perhaps I only understand about 75% of it. But I am getting closer! ;) )

I believe that your idea could be done, but there are two obstacles:

#1: Transmitting many channels of high-quality-audio across more than one "hop" without adding latency or losing quality:

Guitar ---( ?? milliseconds latency )---> Processor ===( ?? milliseconds latency )===> PC/laptop

#2: Doing #1 without increasing the price of the processor by too much.

- - - -

People would pay more money for the ability to "go wireless."

But how many people, and how much more? (In other words, how much is "too much?")

I think it is easy (and cheap) to send wireless MIDI quickly. But it is difficult (and expensive) to send wireless audio (especially in stereo, or multiple channels) without losing quality or increasing latency.

If the unit is $200 more, some people might be willing to pay for it. Wireless MIDI could be done for $200. Probably less than $200.


if the unit is $400 more, very few people will be willing to pay for it. (And that is a more realistic price for sending multiple channels of high-quality audio.)

So, I think your market of potential buyers is too small.

If everyone in the world were a guitar player, there would be a larger market for this. But, they aren't.

Aleksey, I am only guessing. I may be wrong. But that ^^^ is my best guess.
#1: Transmitting many channels of high-quality-audio across more than one "hop" without adding latency or losing quality:

Guitar ---( ?? milliseconds latency )---> Processor ===( ?? milliseconds latency )===> PC/laptop
Guitar ---( you connect direct in processor. Latency = your classic connection)---> Processor ===( latency = Axe- FX3 latency )===> Headphone/Speaker (Direct in processor) ===(output only video image. Add latency in sound = 0 ) ===> PC/laptop
Sum latency = classic wire latency
My laptop and Line 6 GX (if second hand) price 200$ maximum
PC -controller all user have in home (PC/Laptop/smartphone/tablet)
if i use scotch tape for (Axe-FX3 + my laptope) price = 5120 - 5150$
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I’m still not quite getting it....

We already have wireless instrument transmitters and microphones, they work well, lots of choices in the market, line6, shure glx etc.

Does the OP also want the guitar processor to be wireless ?

Well, we could send the audio from the Axe out wirelessly I guess, but to what benefit ? The Axe still would need a power cable, so if your having a cord for power, then you can also run one for audio right ?

I guess you could make a wireless power solution with a battery pack, so then your Axe could sit on stage without needing mains power, and could maybe even send to the PA wireless, along with a wireless guitar going to the Axe, but again to what real benefit or demand ?

When I play I set my rack on stage side or back. There isn’t a real need for making that wireless. Rest of the system like my CLR needs power cords so plugging in my rack isn’t a problem.

I’m free with my wireless to move around as I want, my rig is stationary and plugged in.....

Tens of thousands of players are using wireless mic’s and guitars and have been for ages. It’s a “problem” that has already been solved as far as I can tell.
Are you aware that most of the technology that you’re talking about is pure science fiction at the moment (and for the foreseeable future)?

Fully integrated, high quality wireless is something I think very few people would argue against (especially if battery tech could be improved further), but I don’t think we’re in a place technologically to see it happen even in the next 10 or 20 years.

That’s not to mention your ideas about a floor unit with a fully integrated DAW and augmented reality controls. It’s Star Trek stuff.
to summarize, the idea is this:

1) have a PC built-in to the guitar processor - so a simple Windows computer inside the Axe-Fx III. this computer would be handling Axe-Edit, all connections, recording, music playback, etc.

2) use ANOTHER computer to remote view the built-in computer's screen. this 2nd computer doesn't do any heavy lifting, just controls and views the other built-in computer.

this idea is solely to avoid having to plug in an USB cable when recording guitar videos at home, since he has to sit farther away from the computer so the camera can see his face and the guitar.
to summarize, the idea is this:

1) have a PC built-in to the guitar processor - so a simple Windows computer inside the Axe-Fx III. this computer would be handling Axe-Edit, all connections, recording, music playback, etc.

2) use ANOTHER computer to remote view the built-in computer's screen. this 2nd computer doesn't do any heavy lifting, just controls and views the other built-in computer.

this idea is solely to avoid having to plug in an USB cable when recording guitar videos at home, since he has to sit farther away from the computer so the camera can see his face and the guitar.
With my level of English is very difficult to convey briefly and clearly my idea.
If you do not mind, I would like to see your description of my idea in the relevant topic (wish), and to avoid flooding, close it. And attach a link to this thread so that the discussions take place here.

You can buy a wireless camera and install it so that it captures absolutely everything. But in Russia for buying such a device you can go to jail. Stupid Russian laws.:nomouth:
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