Win7 USB driver issues - AxeEdit shows disconnected - need help


Power User
Hey all,

Ok, I have been running USB drivers and AxeEdit without any issues thus far. I upgraded successfully to the latest firmware (via Fractalbot) (v15.02) with no issue.

I am running Windows 7
Successfully uninstalled previous Windows USB driver via Control Panel
Ran executable for latest June 2014 Windows 7 USB installation (2014.06.06)
- during installation I followed instructions and driver issues were seen.
- noticed that old AxeFXII driver was still showing in device manager.
- manually deleted and removed old driver
- re-run of new USB installation package again......
- successful install of new driver is shown in device manager (old no longer appears)
- NEW driver shows under device manager as - XMOS USB 2.0 audio devices/AxeFXII
- FASUSB Control Panel shows in task bar icon.

- Latest version of AxeEdit installed (uninstallation of previous version was uninstalled manually first)

When I now launch AxeEdit it comes up as DISCONNECTED and I can no longer get it to initialize and recognize the AxeFX unit?

Driver details shows the following:

Fractal Audio Systems
Date: 5/16/2014
Driver Version:

Any ideas or thoughts? Anyone else experience this?
Same cable works fine on my MacBook Pro....
Tried front side USB and rear USB on Win7 desktop.....

Same results. Thanks for suggestion though.
Check your settings like javajunkie said. I had the same problem and selecting the midiports worked for me too!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You could try killing the USB for the Axe in Device Manager. Had to do that once to get it to work. It's finicky when it gets into a 'state' like this sometimes. I rolled back on my Vista laptop to a previous driver and it solved it.
You could try killing the USB for the Axe in Device Manager. Had to do that once to get it to work. It's finicky when it gets into a 'state' like this sometimes. I rolled back on my Vista laptop to a previous driver and it solved it.

I didn't try rolling the driver back..... Will give that a try. Thought this latest driver may be required for latest 15.02 firmware. Worth a shot.
Ok..... SOLUTION FOUND (update)

What I saw when turning on the AxeFXII now was it trying to determine the driver correctly.

So, it must have been something when I uninstalled or re-installed the latest driver that got a conflict or ?

When Windows tried to install the driver I was able to skip it from using Windows Update again and again..... and then it determined the correct driver. It seemed as though it had the one listed in Device Manger marked as 'XMOS USB 2.0 Audio Devices / Axe-FXII but it wasn't grabbing the others listed under 'Sound, Video Game Controllers/ Axe-FXII and Axe-FxII Subdevice' (these were the ones missing).

Once it correctly grabbed these drivers I re-started AxeEdit and it was still showing as 'disconnected'
This time.... when I went into settings, instead of only showing 'midi-in and midi-out' it listed 'AxeFXII' for in and out and when selected..... it worked :) began initializing the presets etc.

Seems good now. Just wanted to list how it was resolved. Thanks for the suggestions. Much appreciated.
Ok..... SOLUTION FOUND (update)

What I saw when turning on the AxeFXII now was it trying to determine the driver correctly.

So, it must have been something when I uninstalled or re-installed the latest driver that got a conflict or ?

When Windows tried to install the driver I was able to skip it from using Windows Update again and again..... and then it determined the correct driver. It seemed as though it had the one listed in Device Manger marked as 'XMOS USB 2.0 Audio Devices / Axe-FXII but it wasn't grabbing the others listed under 'Sound, Video Game Controllers/ Axe-FXII and Axe-FxII Subdevice' (these were the ones missing).

Once it correctly grabbed these drivers I re-started AxeEdit and it was still showing as 'disconnected'
This time.... when I went into settings, instead of only showing 'midi-in and midi-out' it listed 'AxeFXII' for in and out and when selected..... it worked :) began initializing the presets etc.

Seems good now. Just wanted to list how it was resolved. Thanks for the suggestions. Much appreciated.

Thanks for the update. Good sleuthing, GMan! Yep, I've seen it get weird in device mgr.
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