Why Is It Always The Axe FX Getting Destroyed?

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There are PLENTY of guys with proven records out there that give legit insight, advice and experience with their videos. Produce Like A Pro, Pensado’s Place, URM, etc. Fricker’s lack of actual skill/proven record is precisely why he needs to rely on making troll videos and has garnered a following based off talking shit. His channel is no different than the 50-year old dudes acting like 15-year old edgelords in Blabbermouth comment sections.
Sadly, a lot of the guys who don't engage in this form of trash-for-views type of content really struggle to build their channels. Trolling is incredibly popular and arguably way more effective at getting you noticed and getting people to engage with your content. Glenn is just another shill playing the game looking for a slice of the pie. Can't say I respect him, but also can't say I blame him.
Not going to lie... I am intrigued. I just bought an FM9 and it cost me 3K Canadian. It's a brilliant piece of kit, no doubt. But....there are often times where I think, I just want to plug in and riff away - no fuss. I think the ToneX might give me that.... Fractal (and the other modellers) maybe need a bit more work to get there?

I play in a band - I honestly can't see the Tone X ever replacing the routing and I/O capabilities of my FM9. But if I am sitting in front of the computer... I can see the ToneX filling a certain void.
Then plug in and riff away. Just leave the fm9 on whatever preset you use for home playing. This is how i run my axefx3 for two and a half years; tune, turn off tuner and play.
What amazes me is the reaction in this thread - GF doesn't really do much to evoke a total freqout here - wow
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Like many on Youtube, his entire presentation is about invoking a drastic response. Anything to be memorable and get views. He could express his sometimes useful information in a less abrasive way, but that's not his schtick.
Like many on Youtube, his entire presentation is about invoking a drastic response. Anything to be memorable and get views. He could express his sometimes useful information in a less abrasive way, but that's not his schtick.
ya - he stirs the pot - but I don't see what he does that evokes responses to the level of "drasticity" (lol) that I see here. I think we Fractelites have a tendency to overreact to the any hint of negativity toward our beloved device. Not a bad thing I guess - we are protective of our "precious"
This guy is a mystery to me.

he bawls with his toothless farmer's voice, plays the guitar very moderately...who fucking care of his opinion ? 500k ? Well. I give up.
What really turned me from simply not paying attention to actually disliking him was waking up during a livestream where he was critiquing his member’s mixes, something they have to pay for. He wasn’t giving constructive criticism unless he really liked the song or mix, if he didn’t, he was just insulting people. “Get a real drummer”, “How about you don’t record anything until you learn how to sing”, really below the belt insults that can be brutal for someone younger/just starting recording, heaven forbid someone actually looks up to the guy then gets insulted by him. Maybe I missed the point and paying to be insulted is the point? I dunno. Really rubbed me the wrong way.

This dude’s biggest claim to fame in the actual business of mixing music was re-mixing a song on Geoff Tate’s trash “Queensryche” F.U. album he put out when trying to beat the real band to the punch. The original mix was so bad the fans who bought it bitched enough and the label had it re-mixed. They had Fricker do one song and never even paid him for it.

There are PLENTY of guys with proven records out there that give legit insight, advice and experience with their videos. Produce Like A Pro, Pensado’s Place, URM, etc. Fricker’s lack of actual skill/proven record is precisely why he needs to rely on making troll videos and has garnered a following based off talking shit. His channel is no different than the 50-year old dudes acting like 15-year old edgelords in Blabbermouth comment sections.

I saw one of these videos where he denigrates and insults his customers. Really pathetic.

The reaction here is not just because he hates the Axe-FX, as some are implying. It is about his childish troll attitude and his unreliable reviews.
The reaction here is not just because he hates the Axe-FX, as some are implying
I guess this is to me as I'm the only one who implied it here.

t is about his childish troll attitude and his unreliable reviews.
not sure how he's trolling since it's his channel - people are free not to watch. His reviews are just as good if not better than a lot of so called respected youtubers I've seen. Given the insults being hurled here, you'd think the guy was a tried and convicted ... It's show business folks - get over it. We point our finger at haters hating - man, take a look here.
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Yep. All smoke and mirrors. Just like his résumé.
You know, as musicians, we recognize that it's his life, and who are we to judge how someone else thinks or acts, just so his words or actions are not harmful to himself or others?

The guy has every legal right to think or say what he wishes. Others will judge him based on their personal upbringing, values, ethics, background, etc.

My questions is, do his thoughts or actions promote people's greater understanding of the benefits of what he says, or do they only tear down others in order to make himself look better? To be totally honest, there are many critics in this world, some who believe that the only way to find out the truth is to promote your own and denigrate others who disagree with you.

The guy likely has anger issues from his younger days and uses YT as his soapbox for promoting himself. The problem that he will find out is that birds of a feather often flock together, and the guy's following will likely be a group of hateful people who don't have a clue about being peaceful and caring.

That's why I didn't bother viewing the video myself, because when someone rants about something or someone in a negative way, and keeps doing it, they're not likely to make it as successful promoter. I personally avoid certain behaviors, because I don't want them making inroads in my thoughts or actions.

Sorry, had to be said.
This guy is the Howard Stern Wanna Be of YouTube. I can't understand it but I guess I've played too many boomer bends in my life and my mind is too damaged by loud Marshalls to understand all the shill hype that these "influencers" have resorted to. Opinions are like _____ and they all ______. If you'll excuse me, I've gotta go yell at the rain and the kids on my grass....
someone else called him the Alex Jones of the audio world. This is pretty accurate.

The guy despised drum samples until he started selling them. If FAS made him a distributor he'd be singing their praises from the mountaintops.

Some people DO, others make clickbait. If what he is doing is a living in audio, I give up.
In this philosophy we shouldn't buy or do anything because something better might come along. Never liked any of his mixes or tones, so I don't trust his opinion anyway.
Because the guy doesn't have a real job and gives his full time to shoveling smoke about Axe FX.
You are aware that for most of the high sub types (even those you may like) on YouTube this IS their job and by any definition it is a real job? What we've degenerated to here is yes, many here don't like him and now every aspect of the guy is being transformed into a negative. I happen to find him occasionally entertaining much like I did with pre-Sirius Howard Stern. I mostly watch his viewer comments videos. I am not offended in the least by "f-bombs", and it amazes me how many of you grown men claim to be, and I find his views on religion a breath of fresh air. He is essentially in all areas, an evidence based person.As for the click bait, as stated above, that channel is his main source of income and all of those people have to continually out do themselves. Also if you are troubled by Fricker and his 500k subs consider that Steve Terreberry has over 3 million! I suppose we all have at least one provider we can't stomach, for me it's Rhett Shull.
someone else called him the Alex Jones of the audio world. This is pretty accurate.

The guy despised drum samples until he started selling them. If FAS made him a distributor he'd be singing their praises from the mountaintops.

Some people DO, others make clickbait. If what he is doing is a living in audio, I give up.
Howard Stern comparison, valid. Alex Jones, not at all. Alex Jones has damaged people's lives with lies and has been sued successfully multiple times for it. Glenn Fricker doesnt even approach that threshold, a little proper context here please. Next thing you know we're going to get the inevitable comparison to Hitler.
His brash style disgusts me and I don't follow him, but I believe it can work on a lot of people. He's just trying to go viral. I wouldn't take it too seriously in general.
After this showed up on my feed since I follow SMG I notice he likes to pick on the Axe FX but it could be said for any piece of gear. As in, all the amps he has sitting in the back ground are now "destroyed" by whatever new stuff comes along. I'm sure the argument would be that amps will still work but the same would be said for the Axe, Kemper, Helix, or whatever box you use. Just because something new comes out doesn't make something you use less relevant to you. It's just an odd way to approach things.

But again, the Axe FX being "destroyed" must be click bait for him as it costs more than the alternatives. The funny thing about something like Tonex is that there are Axe FX III captures that actually sound better than people's amp captures by a long stretch. I guess this goes back to the person's ability to record a good sound. I also don't think he understands that the stuff he compares at times to the Axe FX are not actually comparable feature wise. He has some decent videos but then he has ones that are just dumb. I watched him do a hardware vs software compressor comparison and they were different types of compressors.

I follow him because he has some cool engineering and recording gear videos... but he's always been a tube-amp purist. He's spoken well about the Quad Cortex because he's done paid promotion for them, I get it. I've seen him dial tunes with real amps that I didn't think were great tones, and viceversa as well. It's just a guy with an opinion, but that's all it is, I think.
Garth with a 14-year-old attitude that wants to hang out with musicians. His mom told him if he didn't get a job, she was kicking him out of the basement. So, he created himself a job in the basement and is doing the only thing he knows how, to get views. Hope he isn't replaced by AI soon...

Chat GPT create: 14, bad attitude, wants to be a musician, big mouth, shill, too much energy drinks, lives in mom's basement - calculating.............

Those of you sticking up for Glenn on his behalf, have you ever even listened to the way he addressed his audience? Do you think he cares that we think? I bet he’d get a very good laugh if he were to read through this thread because this it the exact reaction that he expects and perpetuates. Now I’m not saying that justifies that type of behavior, which I will admit I am guilty of, but he literally asks for it.
And lastly, I’d like to add…

Using the Axe-FX III for the example/thumbnail of his latest video was by no accident. He could have chosen a more obscure (or relevant, I.e., not a component modeler) example, but he obviously wanted to get the Fractal community, as well as the opposition, worked up.

Without the criticism he receives, he wouldn’t be as successful as he is.
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