Why is a wah always active when turning on Axe II?


So I noticed a couple weeks ago that every time I turn on my Axe II there is a wah effect active, even on presets where I don't have a wah set up. I do use an expression pedal for a wah on a handful of presets, but not on many. This wah being on is happening on presets where I don't have a wah set up though. If I change to a different preset and then change back the wah sound is gone. Anyone else have this happen? Any idea why it is happening? I'm on firmware 15.07.
either a midi signal is turning it on or there is a modifier on the wah. Can you post an example preset or a screenshot of the 2 wah pages
This happens to me with firmware updates on old presets. Iirc if u delete the wah then recreate it then save in off mode I think it will stay off. And yes it's when it's attached to say an express pedal modifier auto off/on mode

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Here is what it looks like right when I turn the unit on. Keep in mind that this is just a factory preset and I have literally done nothing to it. Never set up a wah on this myself, it is just there from the factory and I've never set it up to be active or to be used with an expression pedal. Notice that the wah is active for some reason.

Here is a screenshot of the actual wah block right when I turn the unit on.

Here is what it looks like after I change to another preset and then come back to the one that it was initially on when I turn the unit on. Notice the wah block is not active.

And here is the actual inactive wah block after I've changed presets and gone back to the original.

I've noticed that some of my factory presets say that external 1 is being used in the modifier source section of the wah block and others say the source is none in the modifier section. I've never used a wah as ext. 1, always ext. 3, and like I said these are just factory presets that I have never touched in any way whatsoever. The only thing I've ever done that could possibly do anything to them is firmware updates. I've only set up a wah on a few presets and this is not one of them.
Check your outboard gear. Something is sending a MIDI signal to turn on your wah.
I have the MFC and two Mission expression pedals, one that I use for volume on a couple presets and one for wah on the same presets. The only other thing I have plugged in is the usb for axe edit. Play through headphones or into an Mbox2 with some Yamaha HS7 speakers.
i think you have to turn the PC RST to ON in the modifier menu and save the preset with the wah bypassed.
i think you have to turn the PC RST to ON in the modifier menu and save the preset with the wah bypassed.

All right, I'll try that. I will say though, if I have to go do that on dozens of factory presets that is pretty annoying. Plus, why is it happening? Why should I need to go do that to factory presets I've never done anything to? At the end of the day it isn't a big deal to just change your preset and then change back, but I guess I'm just curious why it would happen and I'm hoping that by sharing my experience maybe someone else that has the problem will know what to do to fix it.

Thanks for the help guys. I'll try Chris' suggestion when I fire up the axe to practice tomorrow.
External controllers have an initial setting that defaults to 100% (toe down for an expression pedal). Until the Axe gets an updated value from your expression pedal location, it uses this default value. It also uses this default value if no expression pedal or MIDI controller is plugged in. If you have a wah block present in the grid with auto engage enabled, it will turn the wah on when the Axe initalizes. Changing presets with your foot controller causes updated MIDI data to be sent to the Axe and it no longer uses this default value. Check the MIDI page of the I/O menu for EXT CTRL # INIT VAL. You have two options 100% or 0%. Setting it to 0% will keep auto engage from turning the wah on, but if you have any volume parameters assigned to that external controller, they will default to 0% (toe up) and you may not have any sound until it gets updated MIDI data. If you get into the habit of selecting a different preset with your MIDI controller after you turn the Axe on it will all be synced up and working properly when you start to play.

Another option is to set the Off Value for Auto Engage to 95%, so leaving the pedal at toe down will turn the wah off instead of heel down like it is by default. I personally prefer this and find it makes auto engage easier to use. I find myself using the lower part of the wah sweep more than the piercing upper part, so it works quite well. It also sounds a bit more like a traditional wah when activating since a regular crybaby turns on at the toe down position when you push the toe switch. Just make sure you leave the EXT CTRL # INIT VAL at 100% if you use the toe down wah bypass. If you change them both, you'll have the exact same problem as before.
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External controllers have an initial setting that defaults to 100% (toe down for an expression pedal). Until the Axe gets an updated value from your expression pedal location, it uses this default value. It also uses this default value if no expression pedal or MIDI controller is plugged in. If you have a wah block present in the grid with auto engage enabled, it will turn the wah on when the Axe initalizes. Changing presets with your foot controller causes updated MIDI data to be sent to the Axe and it no longer uses this default value. Check the MIDI page of the I/O menu for EXT CTRL # INIT VAL. You have two options 100% or 0%. Setting it to 0% will keep auto engage from turning the wah on, but if you have any volume parameters assigned to that external controller, they will default to 0% (toe up) and you may not have any sound until it gets updated MIDI data. If you get into the habit of selecting a different preset with your MIDI controller after you turn the Axe on it will all be synced up and working properly when you start to play.

Yes, this will likely fix the issue.
I upgraded to 16.02 right before practice (from 16.0). While going through our 5 set lists I had 3 presets that now had a wah turned on like you said...I was thinking my mission pedal with spring was acting up, but it was ONLY those 3 presets...never happened with other firmware updates. I'm running a LF+jr+ pedal if that matters...only change was the axe firmware update. I'm going to look and see what changed in those presets. BTW, I'm one of those people that has different presets for most songs.
This happens to me but only when I power on. If I change presets, it doesn't happen for the rest of the time.

So maybe you don't have to go through every preset. Just switch when you turn on and you should be good to go.

I did that PC RST thing and it worked for a while, but then stopped working. So now I just change presets when I boot up and it's done.
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