Why I sold the AxeFX III for the FM9 Turbo

And it’s been edited after you raised the point

Time to bury the hatchet and move on with life
Yes I’m past it but if someone brings it back up I will respond to it specifically for understanding. I hope it’s very clear by now.
i think we all understand the OP is happy that the FM9 can support what he wants to do. don't mean to rain down on this.

but yeah, that statement could lead to disappointed future customers "someone said it was the same."
I seriously doubt you can fit an FM9 into 3 rack spaces...

The Fractal Audio Block Guide states that only the Axe III has the variable impedance options in the IN 1 block.

View attachment 112694

The FM9 manual also makes no mention of the variable input impedance and specifies it as 1MΩ.

Note that "Secret Sauce IV" on the input is not the same as the variable input impedance feature. That's the low noise design of the input circuit that's optimized for high impedance guitar pickups.
Interesting. I see the auto input impedance and a number of fixed impedance options in my Input 1 block on FM9. Docs out of date?
THE OP made it VERY clear with his comparison. I found the same thing when I had the AXE FX III and now the FM9T. I'm glad I made the switch, I think some people will be more than thrilled with the change, nothing like a more compact unit that kicks major ass.
I love having FM9T and my trusty Axe FX III MKII Turbo... Hehe. ;)

Nothing wrong with that, I wouldn't use the AXE FX III to justify keeping it. So far I've wanted to go back to the Axe FX III zero times since I got the FM9T, which was around the time you got your a few months back.

I certainly did consider keeping both as well (for live and home studio). After doing everything I needed on the FM9T and not turning on the AxeFX for a month I figured I could direct the funds towards a pending Mayones delivery 😃
Reading this post definitely helps me feel good about opting for the FM9. Also helps that I don't have a rack already (so more $$ to spend) and any Fractal product would not be a studio queen, it's gonna get gigged. Thanks for the comparison @NattyBar

Out of curiosity, what's the Mayones coming your way?
Glad it’s been helpful to a number of people.

Out of curiosity, what's the Mayones coming your way?

It’s a custom shop Legend that I ordered back in October 2021. It was quoted as a 12-18mth build time and expected delivery should be Feb-March next year. An exercise in patience for sure!!!
Glad it’s been helpful to a number of people.

It’s a custom shop Legend that I ordered back in October 2021. It was quoted as a 12-18mth build time and expected delivery should be Feb-March next year. An exercise in patience for sure!!!
do they need to grow trees first or why the heck does it take that long to build a guitar?
Usually, it’s because a small shop can only build so many guitars in a year, and there are 100 people ahead of you.
My Suhr Custom took over a year as well. Not sure how long the waiting list is now, was well worth it, I love my Suhr Modern.

This is it... You can generally buy off-the-shelf production models from 'smaller' builders but the custom road inevitably equals longer lead time.
Really? @chris @scottp did you actually read the whole post?

Granted the title is a little click baity... Fair call - l edit that.

Otherwise... perhaps it's worth understanding what the post is saying before throwing out unhelpful snap responses. You'll see that nowhere does it say the FM9T = AxeFx (I state it's not the same or as powerful). You'll also see that I mentioned there are DSP and block trade-offs.

The point is you can get to very similar outcomes by approaching your preset builds differently. Which is a commendation to Fractal and helpful for people who are trying to make buying decisions between the two untis.
I have both units, and somewhat agree with both sides. I do use the vocoder for some dance/top 40 bands I play with, so FM9T won't work for those. I also miss the 2nd pitch block. Other than that, I use it for most other gigs. I don't see myself ditching either. Options are the absolute best! At the end of the day, whatever works for you is the one that will get used. I couldn't be happier with these killer units. I can't believe they will get "better" eventually?
The Fractal Audio Block Guide states that only the Axe III has the variable impedance options in the IN 1 block.

View attachment 112694

The FM9 manual also makes no mention of the variable input impedance and specifies it as 1MΩ.

Note that "Secret Sauce IV" on the input is not the same as the variable input impedance feature. That's the low noise design of the input circuit that's optimized for high impedance guitar pickups.
Does the FM9T include the secret sauce?
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