Why do some people like to be so negative?

Very interesting! I have a friend who's a med student in Australia and she mentioned before how medical practitioners can make the worst patients.

It also lends some credence to the amusing notion that most psychology students start their education as an effort to find out what's wrong with them. ;)

I started college as a pre-med psyc major... because the ratio of hot - and I went to TAMU, so I mean HAAAWWWWTTT!!! - chics to dudes was 3:1

...and then I went into mathematics because they were all bat shit crazy.


They didn't suck until "How You Remind Me" spent over a year on the Top 40... or maybe they didn't suck until they renamed that song "Someday." Take yer pick.
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in the wize words of taylor swift (*cough*), haters gunna hate

Let me take your mind off it


I see some majora there woo hoo!

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Do you know these people who sell all of their stuff and go backpacking? Well I was that guy 2 years ago. And I must say that when ever I was in contact with "the real world" it all felt so negative. I stopped going to Facebook because everyone was whining all the time. I quickly noticed that I had done that also. We all have. We're not saints... stating that you belong to the top 10% of positive people is actually telling everyone that you're not a positive person because you feel the need to lift yourself up from the crowd. The real positive 10% is those who just don't give a f*** about negative people.

So when I was backpacking I quickly realized that I was a lot happier although essentially I was homeless. I also realized that when I get back to "the real world" I would most likely become more negative once again. That is true and that happened.

What I'm trying to say that this "real world" that we're being forced to live in is not making us happy. Seriously think about it. Does your job feel 100% positive to you? Are you tired after a long day of work doing random stuff for someone else that you don't really care about? Hmm... I wouldn't be too surprised if you felt the need to let some of that steam out in different ways.. like f.ex. sitting on your ass scrolling through forums and bashing people. Almost like you're competing in life. Putting other people down and making yourself feel better.

My cure: Quit your job. (unless you work for FAS which is what everybody's life goal should be and I love it :lol ) Do something meaningful with your life. Something you can tell your grandchildren. No body likes that grandpa who always goes on and on about how hard he's worked through his whole life. What a crappy life lesson to tell your kids and grandchildren. Humen are not ants. There's more to life. :)

I often wonder what is reality? How I feel on vacation or back to work? Both are extremes. Luckily I have 3 day weekends!

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This is very right. We live in a world where work is almost supposed to be painful. (If I hear "Oh, you are so lucky to do something you love!" one more damned time... lol)

Well, I work in insurance now. (Yeah, fun, right?) Well, of course it can serve a purpose, and there's a boatload of competition in the field (hi there Google Insurance, or whatever it will be called!). But, I need something to get my family by while I continue to try and get back into music. It's not just what I love or even "just" what I am passionate about; it is what I was meant to do, and I have extensive education and experience in the field. Sadly, the uber-corporate mindset has made its way into nearly everything. That's part of why I've always tried to make it being at least primarily self-employed, or work for people who have not adopted that mentality. Otherwise it tends to feel like, "Sure we'll pay you plenty of money with great benefits... provided you sell your soul and put up with all the crap." Yeah, yeah, I know it's not always that way, but both my wife and I have experienced it.

So often, life just seems so fake (The Matrix, choose your pill wisely). Finding something real and important to do anymore (particularly something that hasn't been corrupted in some way or another) is just not easy.

Do you know these people who sell all of their stuff and go backpacking? Well I was that guy 2 years ago. And I must say that when ever I was in contact with "the real world" it all felt so negative. I stopped going to Facebook because everyone was whining all the time. I quickly noticed that I had done that also. We all have. We're not saints... stating that you belong to the top 10% of positive people is actually telling everyone that you're not a positive person because you feel the need to lift yourself up from the crowd. The real positive 10% is those who just don't give a f*** about negative people.

So when I was backpacking I quickly realized that I was a lot happier although essentially I was homeless. I also realized that when I get back to "the real world" I would most likely become more negative once again. That is true and that happened.

What I'm trying to say that this "real world" that we're being forced to live in is not making us happy. Seriously think about it. Does your job feel 100% positive to you? Are you tired after a long day of work doing random stuff for someone else that you don't really care about? Hmm... I wouldn't be too surprised if you felt the need to let some of that steam out in different ways.. like f.ex. sitting on your ass scrolling through forums and bashing people. Almost like you're competing in life. Putting other people down and making yourself feel better.

My cure: Quit your job. (unless you work for FAS which is what everybody's life goal should be and I love it :lol ) Do something meaningful with your life. Something you can tell your grandchildren. No body likes that grandpa who always goes on and on about how hard he's worked through his whole life. What a crappy life lesson to tell your kids and grandchildren. Humen are not ants. There's more to life. :)
Why? Is it simple human nature?

Yes. Sterling reason to have a neutral tool set, so that one can comprehend and appreciate things they may not care for. Now, vernacular in one's expression is often confused with poo-poo-ing; again a neutral tool set will see Art instead.
On the teaching 101 thing: while that's a reality, it shows an inherent weakness in people. They need to be emotionally supported. My theory instructor would go over our composition assignments on the projector and at the piano. Very mildly, he'd tell you it was bad or good, and why. He didn't say you were bad. But especially some of the girls took it real hard. Tear incidents and stuff. I knew my stuff was bad, and I've long relished public witness. Puts hair on ya chest! My instructor was a tenured academic, though, so he wasn't worried about making ends meet by it.
No matter what you do, you'll do it wrong:

If you stick to your roots and your initial sound, people will complain that every song sounds the same.
If you change your style and try to be creative, people will complain that your old stuff was better.

It's fucked up.

Luckily, most bands that reach this point will do what Nickleback did: stop caring about either crowd and making shitloads of cash instead.
Bump, because of the recent posts from some people about the XL+.
Pretty sad. So much better to be happy, not suspicious, have a half full glass instead of empty, etc.


And how something as innocuous as the crunch parameter turned into a personal insult thread?

I live in the US, there is so much anger over here right now... bummer.
Bump, because of the recent posts from some people about the XL+.
Pretty sad. So much better to be happy, not suspicious, have a half full glass instead of empty, etc.

Yek I was considering doing the same thing once I saw that guys post lol. Cliff shouldn't let those users bother him @ all. Ultimately we have the best piece of gear out in the world of guitardom, period.

FAS and Cliff are prioritizing making the already amazing AFX's even better with the highest quality of standard. Do they have to? Not at all. Do they have a passion for improving the best piece of gear out there already to make it even better? Yep. How could we be this impatient, ignorant, entitled and/or expectant that FAS isn't already putting their best foot forward?

Please, everyone, chillax. I am patiently awaiting the full release of FW18 and Axe-Edit whenever it happens in no rush since FW17.04 is phenomenal. We don't need to create negativity around the FX8, AX8 or XL+ either. What's wrong with the gear we have? Patience and contentment are a huge part of life.

Thanks FAS for improving the products and offering a forum for your users to improve the product with you!
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I love this forum because of the wealth of information, tips, tricks, IRs and presets that people are graciously willing to share. In addition to that Cliff is regularly seen here to post insights, explanations and updates.

But some of the flame wars that ignite in otherwise perfectly valid threads are very off-putting. It's one of the reasons I find myself usually remaining on the outskirts of this place, simply peering in from time to time. I have no energy for internet arguments; I admire those with the patience to resolve / defuse the arguments and keeping everything civil. That's one of the reasons I keep coming back. :)
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