Why do so few contribute to the Axechange?

yek said:
I doubt if categorized/structured banks will work. IMHO only a database works. Users can upload presets and fill in some fields (some of them obligatory).
The users will never fill the field taking care about that.

Only a system based on meta-tags and keywords could work: think about youtube.
I *do* think it has much value, for most people are not FX specialists.

Also, e.g. most all of Yek's presets sound great for me (as a starting point for sure). So if you happen to have similar pickups / amps, you can be in for a big treat.
It's also great to share FX / FX chains and emulations (TYVM DonP, javajunkie, etc) but let people dial in their own amp sound.

It has some pros and cons, like everything. Be glad that we're not drowned in everybody sharing a sound they just like for that moment or a stock preset they've tweaked one parameter on ;) I assume it will come if the new editor is good though.

I've also read some are holding on to their gems till a better Axe-Edit is here :cool:

Of course, I also agree that A LOT more info and parameters should go with such a database. Even sound samples, if possible.
Therefore I was considering programming my own infinitely extendable FileMaker database [w upload capacity of presets and IRs], but I'm holding out till the Editor is here.
It isn't a workable solution in it's current state.

All indications are that it will be in the next version coming down from Fractal.

And that's a good thing.
Once upon a time, AxeChange was a useful web based interface. You could even attach notes and soundclips.

Then Cliff had a fight with Lars, Lars got pissed took it all down.

Then it was replaced with a horrible incarnation it is now.
Clark Kent said:
I've posted like 30 patches on the forum and I don't think anyone is using them. Scott et al have done a lot more and I don't think those are being used either. Mainly because they don't sound the same with other setups.
i don't use your patches but i did learn a lot from them ! :)
Gencives said:
Clark Kent said:
I've posted like 30 patches on the forum and I don't think anyone is using them. Scott et al have done a lot more and I don't think those are being used either. Mainly because they don't sound the same with other setups.
i don't use your patches but i did learn a lot from them ! :)

And that's why I post patches. I learn from looking and listening to what others do/have done in their patches.

My chorus is based on one Larry Mitchell shared.

My delay I based on what Mark Day does added to what I learned from the "Circle delays" thread on this forum.

My flanger settings and many more things learned came from Java Junkie among others.

Matman has taught me in more ways than I can count through the forum. Jay Mitchell on IR's, reverb, EQ and many other topics. Radley on reverb and EQ. Yek on most anything. Cardinal of Crunk and even Joe Gold and Clark Kent - whom I often have disagreements with on various topics - have taught me I both appreciate it and respect them for it. Not to mention when Cliff shares knowledge. I am not even mentioning other guys that go to great lengths to share knowledge and the wealth of their experience. The wiki is a treasure trove and everyone should seek it out.

The Axe-FX is a palette, a tool box full of 'blank' easels and it is up to us to learn, utilize and apply those tools. In a million ways, with a million colors and varieties of tastes and goals and rigs.

So some preset is nothing more than a group of parameters really; teach a man to fish.

The Line 6 mentality of 'share a preset' is like swimming in the kiddie wave pool. Fun, easy and quick. Great.

When it is time to swim in the ocean, then you need to KNOW how to swim. Learn to swim, not just use floaters in the kiddie pool. "Share your preset" to me means, let me study how you did that. Not, "oh good, now I don't have to learn anything, I'll just use that as-is" until the next 'great' preset comes along.

It's like guys buying an amp, playing it and then hearing a clip of another amp... so they sell their amp and get the amp from the clip. I mean, really?
Jay Mitchell said:
[quote="Scott Peterson":b6rilzr7]Learn to swim, not just use floaters in the kiddie pool.
Eeeeewwwwwwww. :eek:

Maybe "floaties" or "water wings" would be a better choice of words?[/quote:b6rilzr7]

I couldn't agree with Scott more. To me, you don't buy a $1500-$2000 device with the intent on using presets or someone else's patches. There are lots of units out there that will give you a whole bunch of rather crappy sounding presets that approximate other people's tone.
That said, I think there is a ton of value in sharing patches from the standpoint of seeing how things are done, the thought process, and learning from experience. Guys like Scott with 3300 posts and more hours amassed tweaking this thing than most will ever spend pave the way for others to follow. Many of the patches I have found on here have helped me immensely, and have become the starting point for some of my current patches. I am now starting to take what I have seen and heard, and can now develop patches from the ground up. As time goes on and I am more comfortable with those patches, I will upload a ton....not in the hopes that someone will be using my patches necessarily, but in the spirit of helping out as I have been helped.
I will also say, having the more experienced guys on here helping to support this thing was a big factor in my decision to buy this unit.
I have owned an Ultra for less than three days but I have been searching for the Axechange site for a couple of weeks now. It's like looking for Camelot; everybody has heard of it but nobody knows exactly where it is. Serious question: Could someone tell me how to locate it please?

(By the way, having difficulty accessing the site in the first place could be one of the reasons why fewer people are using the facility...just a thought.)
Thanks Muris. I have downloaded the Axe Edit software but how do I connect it to the internet to access the Axe Change? It's just sitting on my screen looking blank.
Here's how it works,
open Axe Edit and click on "preset manager" tab on the left,
window will open and then look on the right, you'll see 3 tabs and one of them is Axe Change,
there you can pick desired bank and load it, preview patches and save them on your HD.

P.S. first you have to click "source" on Axe Change tab in order to access it, type any user/pass you want.
I will also say, having the more experienced guys on here helping to support this thing was a big factor in my decision to buy this unit.

Same here. I've barely got my toe in the water here, but the mind-boggling capabilities of this box cannot be denied.

I knew it might be a rather daunting challenge to master it, but the prevailing attitude of gracious assistance to the motivated noob on the part of most AXE users here and on TGP sealed it for me.

Day two is under way. Hold all calls, and forward my mail to the woodshed. ;)
Muris! I took your advice and managed to access the Axe Change, many thanks! All I have to do now is find a way of linking my laptop to the Ultra...but that can wait for another day.
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