Why Are Doctors So Stolid?

Pretty easy to see when someone is passionate about what they do or are just going through the motions for some other goal. Maybe he's more excited when he gets the payment for services rendered.
Not sure how to define, "more excited." Someone needs a hug?
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Can you hear me Doctor? Are you with me Doctor? Is the person in that song referring to himself as Dr. Wu?
How about the classic of telling the doctor “It hurts when I do this” but never getting the proper response.
Probably because hundreds of others before you did the same thing. True for me at least before I sold my practice.
I truly believe they try to crush whatever sense of humor we might have in medical school/residency/fellowship. Humor requires some insensitivity and some calculated risk of causing offense to someone, somewhere. Our supervisors and administrators can't tolerate that possibility.
I truly believe they try to crush whatever sense of humor we might have in medical school/residency/fellowship. Humor requires some insensitivity and some calculated risk of causing offense to someone, somewhere. Our supervisors and administrators can't tolerate that possibility.
And hte EHR is the tool they use to rip the souls out of physicians. Can't have 'em running around all thinking and making decisions and whatnot with their patients about their care. Nooooo nu uh they need adult supervision at all times lest they cut into the profit margin. As heartbreaking as it was at the time I'm often glad I didn't survive my 1st year of medical school.
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I would not conflate the supreme importance of keeping one from laughing to avoid rupturing sutures with going in for something routine. I had a similar situation with a sleep doctor; he just came off as a dick.
A few years ago I called to make the dreaded appointment for my annual physical. The office manager said my primary doc was booked for 6 months, but I could schedule sooner with the P.A. (female). I said "Are her fingers smaller?" The office manager couldn't hold back the laugh. :laughing:
I'm cracking some of my best jokes and I can't even get a chuckle.

Dr. Wu: Your ears need cleaning,
Me: I know. I had your PA clean them last year and afterwards I could hear a mouse fart.
Dr. Wu: Hmmmm, interesting.

Dr. Johnson (my urologist): Good morning Mr. Chase.
Me: Good morning Dr. J. Do you know why I call you Dr. J?
Dr. Johnson: J for Johnson obviously.
Me: Nope. J for Jellyfinger.
Dr. Johnson: Hmmmm, interesting.
My Urologist has a huge sense of humor.
Last time after he put the glove on he said: „ Time for a fun ride but probably not your last ride of the day!“
My wife rolled laughing on the floor.
And then he ( both doctors) writes some notes in your file about these comments.
Exhibits signs of high risk of ......what I wonder
I'm cracking some of my best jokes and I can't even get a chuckle.

Dr. Wu: Your ears need cleaning,
Me: I know. I had your PA clean them last year and afterwards I could hear a mouse fart.
Dr. Wu: Hmmmm, interesting.

Dr. Johnson (my urologist): Good morning Mr. Chase.
Me: Good morning Dr. J. Do you know why I call you Dr. J?
Dr. Johnson: J for Johnson obviously.
Me: Nope. J for Jellyfinger.
Dr. Johnson: Hmmmm, interesting.
Sounds like you need Segura's doctor.
Dr. G. (During my prostate exam): "I don't feel anything in here that I'm worried about...."
Me: "Well I sure as Hell do, get the eff out!"

Oh yeah, Dr, G, has a sense of humor. They had to carry him out.
me: doc, do you know what the difference between god and a doctor is?
doc: what?
me: god doesn't think he's a doctor.

yet they never laugh.
I'd settle for a doctor, whom even if it weren't true... would make me feel like they actually want to get to the bottom of my health issues as opposed to just a mechanic who's like "well, lets give this a shot". Been to a 9 or 10 dif docs in the last 4 years and every one of them the same thing... make me wait 45min past my appt time, then when they finally get in that room they spend 30 seconds w me and know nothing more than the last guy.

"sorry to hear about your hard life mike" - hehe, I feel better already, thanks for the therapy!
I have to admit, Cliff increased my vocabulary by one. Had to look up what stolid is... I thought it was a typo for stupid.
PHD ≠ personality, bed manners, sense of humor, or common sense.

With that said, some of the best doctors I know lack all of the above.
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