Who else is in debt from their Axe FX II purchase?!?!

It helps having a credit card if you pay it off right away. It looks good on your credit score.
You just have to make sure not over charge and that takes will power.
Unless you are using the Axe Fx 2 to make a living, if you are going into debt because of a "luxury" purchase like this, you are 100% part of the economic crisis in this country.

One guy said he bought it as a present to himself for landing a job because he was sure the money was coming. Dude...there are so many things wrong with that statement, it's scary.

My credit card was paid off the next month Kidsfeet. I live in a two income house hold with no kids, both Berkeley grads; biochem and chemistry. Guaranteed, I am not part of the economic problem.
Funny you mention that. I told myself that if I was going to go with the 2, I'd do it this year. I'd done some soul-searching, and my Ultra was more than I needed as I am not a professional musician. I made a decision to stick with my Ultra and maybe upgrade once the AxeFX 3 came out.

One morning I had a bit of life trauma (nothing life-threatening, thankfully) and I decided "life's too short". I took a walk in the park, came home and put an AxeFX 2 in my cart.

Was it worth it? Totally! I sold my Ultra, and that more than 1/2 paid for the 2. I'm on the waiting list for an MFC, also.

That said, I've paid off quite a few credit cards in the past few months. My wife and I have enough put away to see us to a comfortable retirement in 25-30 years. Plus, I'm working it so that our daughter will have a lot saved for college.

So, a little splurge here and there is fine. A roommate of mine once said that you need to ask yourself if a big purchase was money well spent. If you say yes, then it was absolutely worth it. The AxeFX 2 gives me enjoyment with all of my guitars, so it is definitely something I don't regret in the least.
Slippery slope spending money you don't have.

Yep. I don't ever buy something with my credit card unless I'm sure I can get the balance down to zero at the end of the month. This has worked all right for me over the years.
I actually began saving for an Axe-Fx II a while ago. Now that I have the money in my bank account (and the number of hours I had to work for it in my mind), I realize that it's totally not worth 2,2k$ to me, given the quality and price of software solutions...

That might be true, but do consider that Axe also has good resale value down the road, whereas your software solutions turn into pumpkins resale-wise immediately after you buy them. Generally, when I buy stuff, I always consider whether or not it can be sold later on, and for approximately how much. Subtract that amount from the up front cost, and you get the real basis for comparison.
I actually am not in debt from my II purchase surprisingly; selling the Ultra + income tax + half a paycheque paid it off quick.. now the three guitars I purchased with it; put me in debt by $3500 haha but they are 2 customs so won't need to be fully paid off til the end of the year.

I can honestly say though; even though I put my "house deposit savings" back by approx $5000 from these gear purchases, I finally feel happy with my rig (least once these guitars are done with no issues) - So its worth it to go a bit in the hole for me. But I have very little cost of living so I can earn that back shortly. Saving for a house is just so boring ugh but gotta do it! But I have about a year until Im looking to buy, so should have a good 5% by then.
I sold every pieces of my old rig ... Krankenstein serial number 000012
And all my stomp for an axe-fx 2 and i will NEVER regret ! :)
My dept is in the shape of gratitude towards Cliff and team FAS. Something I will never be able to fully pay back... *wipes a tear from the corner of his eye*
My dept is in the shape of gratitude towards Cliff and team FAS. Something I will never be able to fully pay back... *wipes a tear from the corner of his eye*

I feel something similar, towards my washing machine.
I feel something similar, towards my washing machine.

My washing machine owes me big time since I saved his life, finding a sock jammed in between the drum and the machine. I had to disassemble the machine totally before I found it. Took me half a day! :lol
I always use credit, but pay down as much as I can as soon as I can. Also, your credit score doesn't necessarily get better paying things off immediately, in fact it's okay to carry a safe level of revolving balance. Credit card companies employee people too (my wife for example ;)
I am well known as a gear flipper but that is because I have a pretty strict rule for the amount of debt I'm willing to carry (VERY little) and the amount of gear I allow myself to own/try at one time.
I see people with the KPA and the II and booteek amps, not to mention crazy amounts of guitars and insane pedal boards and I really wonder how it's all possible / how often it's all used. But hey, if you can swing it go for it - I guess?
Sold the KPA yesterday, bought the II today. Yin-Yang
Being self-employed I need to put money aside for my tax bill each year. In the past when the economy was booming and exchange rates were favourable I'd be happy to use the tax savings to fund a regular supply of guitars from the States, then sell them in the UK or Europe for a modest profit when it was time to pay the tax man. Things have changed now with the global economic crisis screwing everything up. Everyone is understandably more careful with their cash and reluctant to buy gear on impulse so I'm trying to refrain from unnecessary purchases although I simply had to buy a couple of Skreddy pedals and another PRS and a Duesenberg and a Tom Anderson hollow drop top in Arctic Blue Burst and....................oh shit, when is that tax bill due?
My uncle is a multi millionare and when I was 16 he took me aside and said "You can allways replace money but you can never replace time"

I didn't really understand it at the time but live by it these days, at 35 I have done more with my life than most ever will but don't have a lot of money. You don't want to save your whole life so that you can get to 80years old and go on cruise ships when your to old to do anything.

You made the right choice for sure, its not like your gonna join a death metal band when your well off and in your 50s (well you might haha)

My saying now is, "cant afford to but cant afford not to"
Yeah I usually fix my own washing machine myself too. Not really that hard once you figure it out.
Yeah, me too. The brother in law was visiting and the stupid rubber coupler in the transmission broke as we were washing his clothes to pack him up to go home. I love Kenmore stuff because I can just get online, find the part and run down the road to the parts store and usually be done within a day. I just rebuilt the dishwasher last winter. Why? Because I knew that if we bought a new appliance for the kitchen that the stove and refrigerator were going to be follow pretty quickly thanks to the wife. The funniest part is that all of her girlfriends think that it's pretty damn sexy....not the "me" part, but the handy part; most of their husbands do more damage with a screwdriver than any good they could ever do. I told them that they married indoor dogs....pretty to look at, pretty damn useless. I on the other hand am an outdoor dog. :)

Yesterday we just had a new entry door installed on the house. It absolutely crushed me to have to pay someone to do something that I know I could do, but the thing is that I've never done one before and if you run into a snag you have a big gaping hole in your house. But about an hour into it I was like "dammit, there's nothing to this." And of course every single little thing like a screw being a bit off kilter is pissing me off to no end. :)

Oh and since I'm not supposed to be doing anything after my surgery the wife paid someone to cut the grass. She was like "you can afford to pay someone to do it for you....why don't you just stop doing it yourself?" I tried to explain to here that I don't cut the grass because I have to I do it because I want to.

I got some glazed over look on her face as a response to that one.
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