Which type of reverb would be stock?


I'm not very familiar with types of reverb. Does anyone know which type of reverb would best emulate what would be stock in a Fender amp? Do different amps have different types of reverb?
The classic "Fender" reverb would be a spring reverb- so experiment with those if you're after total authenticity.

You'll probably see this advice in a few other places on this forum as well- going with established sounds that you know well, like a spring reverb, can help get you going, but try out the other models for reverb as well, and try to not dial in with your eyes- dial in with your ears instead. The AxeFx reverb models (and just about everything else) have the power to be much, much more flexible than a Fender reverb unit, and if you can start to ignore the numbers on the dials a little bit, and give a bit more priority to how you like the sound you're getting, and what changes you might want to make with it, you'll be a lot happier in the end. This took me a while to learn- I was always applying my TMB settings from Fenders (that I was familiar with from earlier experience) and using them for everything else, cause the number looked about right to me- and you can't do that with Mesas, for example.
Have fun!:encouragement:
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