which poweramp/speakers do you use with your AF2?


What the title says. I don't use the preamp of my amp, just the FX return. Waste of a preamp, so what do you use for poweramp and/or speakers? I don't wanna spend megbucks but don't wanna go cheap n' nasty either. Note the room is only 4.5 by 3.5 metres.
Whats your goal, are u just playing in that room yourself, do u record or produce, do u play live or rehearse?

Matrix amps and speakers are great for all purposes...but incase u would just produce and record than good pair of studio monitors would be better...hope it helps
Looking to do both, though primarily just playing in that room. Not part of a band. I still want to record, but will drag it off to a real studio if needs be.

Which speakers would you recommend to go with that Matrix poweramp?
Looking to do both, though primarily just playing in that room. Not part of a band. I still want to record, but will drag it off to a real studio if needs be.

Which speakers would you recommend to go with that Matrix poweramp?

with the Matrix amp (i.e. GT1000Fx) you have the flexibility of running passive FRFR monitors or real cabs. Some of the favorite FRFR and cab solutions around here include the Matrix, Atomic and Xitone.

I would scout around in the Cabs and amps section -- It contains many threads discussing cab and FRFR options.

Amps and Cabs
i have q12 and i am really happy with...to mention i am not a high gain guy.
people like also the new nl12 but i never tried it...

nl12 is cheaper, lighter in weight and its a real cab, q12 is little more expensive and heavier (still light for a cab) and is frfr.

Looking to do both, though primarily just playing in that room. Not part of a band. I still want to record, but will drag it off to a real studio if needs be.

Which speakers would you recommend to go with that Matrix poweramp?
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A Mesa 2:Ninety Power amp into 2 recto cabinets (4*12 and 2*12 @ 4 ohms). We play live and loud old school rock and classic metal.

Wanted something lighter, so I tried the MATRIX GT1000FX... Others seem to like it (a lot), but it didn't make it for me. Not enough sizzle and thump (or headroom). I spent many hours tweaking and adjusting, it just wasn't right for ME.

*Your experiences may vary. Opinions are great and all, but don't take anybody's word as gospel. Try some different setups (amps) for yourself if you can before buying anything. In then end YOU have to like what you're playing through.
... so I tried the MATRIX GT1000FX... Others seem to like it (a lot), but it didn't make it for me. Not enough sizzle and thump (or headroom). ...

dude how loud do you play?

I can peel the paint off of my brother-in-laws house with the GT1000FX -- and he lives in the next county.
For me, playing in my home stud I have 2 GM50 for stereo, with 2 thomann FR cabs not expensive but really great.
they provide the hoomph and meaty sound comparing to my studio monitors.
A single GM50 with a good FR cab is really great. and you can puch a real guitar cab as well (as LVC said)
i had the 2 90 and triaxis....loved it. I can understand u like the tone of 2 90 more...it definitaly colors and makes any patch sound like MESA.
buuuuuuttttttttt about the headroom....sorry its not true. gt1000fx is loud enough for any situation....louder than u might need :)

A Mesa 2:Ninety Power amp into 2 recto cabinets (4*12 and 2*12 @ 4 ohms). We play live and loud old school rock and classic metal.

Wanted something lighter, so I tried the MATRIX GT1000FX... Others seem to like it (a lot), but it didn't make it for me. Not enough sizzle and thump (or headroom). I spent many hours tweaking and adjusting, it just wasn't right for ME.

*Your experiences may vary. Opinions are great and all, but don't take anybody's word as gospel. Try some different setups (amps) for yourself if you can before buying anything. In then end YOU have to like what you're playing through.
i had the 2 90 and triaxis....loved it. I can understand u like the tone of 2 90 more...it definitaly colors and makes any patch sound like MESA.
buuuuuuttttttttt about the headroom....sorry its not true. gt1000fx is loud enough for any situation....louder than u might need :)

*Your experiences may vary. In the same 4 ohm cabinet configuration it wasn't loud enough for me. Believe me, I really wanted it to work out.
ok i believe u :) ... at least i am trying to....my q12 is 8 ohm....so your 4 ohm speaker should produce more power with the matrix amp than my q12 gt1000fx combination.
i really cant imagine how loud your band is....the q12 would be loud enough for me to monitor my self on any stage, doenst matter how big the stage is...

but as i mentioned, i am not a high gain or extreme loud band player guy...so it might be that there is some loudness going on there which i never experienced

*Your experiences may vary. In the same 4 ohm cabinet configuration it wasn't loud enough for me. Believe me, I really wanted it to work out.
ok i believe u :) ... at least i am trying to....my q12 is 8 ohm....so your 4 ohm speaker should produce more power with the matrix amp than my q12 gt1000fx combination.
i really cant imagine how loud your band is....the q12 would be loud enough for me to monitor my self on any stage, doenst matter how big the stage is...

but as i mentioned, i am not a high gain or extreme loud band player guy...so it might be that there is some loudness going on there which i never experienced

I'm sure you are right, I would love to hear your speaker cabinets (setup), I'm sure that is key. Too bad (for me) you are on the other coast. :)

That's another good point... I'm not using the PA, I'm just going bareback "balls deluxe".

I just bought these recto cabinets a few years, and I really like them. Who knows, I may buy some FRFR cabs down the road, but with my current project this seems to work for right now.
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If you wont be playing live I would really concider a pair of good quality Studio Monitors.
Anything ells will be Overkill for that small room.
And this will also end up being cheaper with a better result.
Carvin DCM1540L into guitar cab or passive wedges. Class AB solid state. Feels very good to me. Can't tell difference between that and running into the effects return of my former Mesa.
GT 1000FX and two wedges with Beyma 12XA30Nd and digital time-alignment/cross over between the 12" and HF-driver.
Only accept MOS-FET amps - no digital here. And 2" compression-driver diapragm.
I use a Crown XLS 2000 Power Amp into a Marshall 1960AV Cab. I also have a pair of Mackie TH-15A Thump Series Powered Loudspeakers that I use if I don't feel like carrying my rack and 4x12 cab. I used to use a Mesa Boogie Stereo Simul-Class 2:90 but it was too heavy and costly to replace 8 power tubes every year but it is the best sounding & most powerful power amp I have ever used.

I bought the Crown XLS 2000 and Mackie TH-15A Powered Loudspeakers because they were low cost, very light weight & so I could have the option of playing through a traditional cab or FRFR.
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