What's your FC pedal waitlist signup date/time?

Another May 17 here, 11:45 EST. I'm currently using an RJM MMGT, but remain curious of the functionality of the FC and will likely buy one anyway and decide later.
January 30, but since I’m located in Europe I’ll most likely won’t be getting one before every single person in the USA has received theirs.
Wow, you got on the list before there even was a list!;)
I signed up as soon as it was announced. I have been playing Fractal since the Standard and I know how they operate when introducing new products. Again being in Europe still doesn’t give me any benefit having signed up as one of the first.
Nope. The day AxeFX III was announced they also announced the FCs. I signed up for the waitlist of the III and I signed up for the FC12. Both waitlists were not yet in place.
time will tell if fractal accepts the line jumpers, hope you're on the official waitlist notice just in case!
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