What's Your Favorite Songs From The 60's?

I kid you not, I have been planning on putting this in my set list! I currently am doing "Monster Mash" and intend on adding your 60's fav song as well as "King Tut" by Steve Martin (which of course is NOT 60's)!! I love these types of songs and I think people do as well!!!

That said, the lyrics that have existed in my head do not 100% match the lyrics I am reading on line (at least in part) ;~(( I have CLEARLY in my head from decades ago:

They're coming to take me away
Hee he ha ha ho ho
To the funny farm
Where life is happy and funny and gay
They're coming to take me away

Now I do not recall having heard this song in at least 30+ years, but that is the way it is supposed to sound (at least a part of it)! Thanks for kindling that memory!!
It really is an amazing vocal performance if you get past the silliness. You can feel him loosing his mind. Great Fx on Vox also.
In the 80's, my room mate and I would have what we called "Easy Rider Festivals". We would play that movie ALL NIGHT LONG, with an occasional "Clockwork Orange" thrown in here and there just to "break it up a bit"!! While "Easy Rider" was playing we would smoke when they smoked, drank when they drank, dropped acid when they dropped acid (first time through the movie only on that one) and had a GREAT TIME doing so!!! One of the best film soundtracks ever ESPECIALLY if you know the movie and it's message!!!
Love the movie also - seen it many many times - + it's an intro to Jack Nicholson in I believe one of his first significant roles ("Oh, I've got a helmet" lol!):
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