What's the best guitar synth unit?

Any Roland VG-99 users here. Still doubting if I want that or a 'real' guitar synth. I am not a big fan of the GR-33 and GR-55 sounds (sound a bit too neat and artificial to me). I Like the more old school analog type sounds but also a good string sound. The VG099 has the GR-300 emulation but I am not sure if it has string sounds?
GR33, too right, all the way!

Don't like the soundset of the 55 too much, Roland should have gone to Cakewalk (their subsidiary) and rescued the inimitable Rapture from oblivion and buried with appropriate resurrection-ceremonies inside that overhyped blue box forever and ever, then we'd have a decent gr55 imho

sun b
The triple play works awesome. Been loving mine. Recently tho the A string went out. It's intermittent. Dealing with support now to get it replaced or serviced. It works great even just with the iPad. You can use it with hardware synths but with another device. It feels great tho compared to my axon. I can play much better with the tp.

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You can use a roland vg 99 with its internal sound ,no latency, for tracking,and record that at the same time as the midi out.
Than replace the sounds with soft synths sounds of your choice,change the slight timing latency till it is synced with the vg99 sound, than delete vg synth sound.
Midi Tracking of vg 99 is way better than gr33.
What are the opinions here about the Roland GR-55? I have read it tracks better than most other guitar synths (?). But the sound I have heard on youtube sound a bit artificial and too neat for my taste. Also it has amp models and guitar Fx which of course us Axe users don't need. They probably sound not even close to the Axe fx.

I use a GR-55 with a Godin guitar with the Multiac system - tracks better than anything else I've used. The GR-55 internal sounds are crap IMO, I use it just as a MIDI interface to control software synths.
still doubting what to do with the guitar synth stuff. Tried a GR-1 yesterday from a friend and surprisingly liked the cheesy old school synth sounds. Somehow I prefer these over the more polished sounds from the GR-55 which don't appeal to me at all. Also editing with the attack and cutoff etc. knobs was very effective. Tracking was ok, but not great if you change techniques a lot which I do a lot (like tapping and fingerstyle etc.).

Also still want to try the TriplePlay. Already use a laptop for my looping stuff and having a TriplePlay would mean not having to bringing one extra piece of hardware gear.
But I am 'worried' that switching between loops, plugin effects and softsynth sounds and Axe Edit will be too confusing from one screen. So now I am doubting between a GR-1 or the Tripleplay.

Or maybe I will not go for a guitar synth at all and create my textures only from guitar-like effected sounds. Lots of possibilities in the Axe fx with only that already.
Just got a GR 33 (quite cheap) to add some modern sounds to my all too standard 4piece grunge/metal band. Can't wait. Going to the luthiers this week to mount the GK2a on my axe. Still don't know if I'll run it through the AXE FX II ( through the FX return). Will my Laney cab and celestion speakers be able to handle those sounds. Time will tell.
I've had a few over the years and thought the GR33 was pretty good tracking and great sounds. the AX100 blows it away on the tracking, but it's soundcard sucks. If I were going into it again, I would do what Paco said and get a decent soundcard for the AX.

I've still got a pristine condition AX100 mkii in the box and prices on ebay are up. Maybe time to list it.
Uhm, did you like not read what I wrote? You can still use it with say a Midisport 2x2 or any other Midi Interface you have lying around. You don't need to start the USB Editor or use the USB Midi to retrieve MIDI messages from the AX-50. Just hook the AX-50 Midi out to any USB Midi Interface's Midi IN, and you'll be rocking away.


Lol!!! I STILL didn't read what you wrote! Good to know.
I have a GI-20 and GK2-A, running into my PC via USB for playing soft synths. Works well enough for my purposes (i.e. because my keyboard playing sucks) - my PC and interface are good enough to let me run a full mix including soft synths and VST FX plugs around 3ms latency, so the playability is there.
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