What software for creating riffs and songs

I use Cubase with BFD3 for drums, but to be honest, if I have an idea, most of the time I'll just use my iPhone's "Voice Memos" app to record it real quick. You never know when something will come to you, and I can either play it on guitar (without needing to power up my computer), or just sing it into the phone.

I've got loads of ideas on the iPhone, and every once in a while scroll back through them to see if any are worth creating a song from. I also us the iPhone's notepad to jot down lyric ideas when they come to me - it's a pretty handy tool for songwriting!
If anyone uses their phone or PC to record ideas, MAKE SURE TO BACKUP YOUR PHONE AND PC!

My bass players iPhone wouldn't boot up correctly this week and he had to reset it and hadn't backed it up, so we lost a lot of our music ideas :(

I use FreeFileSync from http://www.freefilesync.org to backup my PC's and Android Phone. I don't know how to backup an iPhone because I've never owned one.
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