What Should I Get For Recording?

s0c9 said:
Definitely Reaper....
used most of the others out there at one point or another including various releases of Cubase, Nuendo, PT, Fruity Loops, Sonar, Wavelab, Magix, Ableton, Acid, BIAB, Audacity, Reason/Recycle and even SAW Studio (among others) - and plenty of freeware/shareware stuff too.

For price/value... nothing beats Reaper IMHO.

I have to disagree here. Looking at the entire bundle, I think Logic Studio 9 is the best bang for the buck. Considering all the instruments, AU plugins, samples, patches and the suite of programs you get it's hard to beat at $400.
Hi all,

I'm flying blind and in the dark here. Can somebody break it down to me (Barney Style) how this works? I did download & purchase Reaper. That's my digital audio workstation (DAW). Now I guess I need to get some plug ins? To start, what I want to do is to use loops. (Seems to be the easiest way to get started). So which ones should I be looking at? EZ Drummer looks great (from the video demo I watched). But what about bass, keys, etc..? Somebody please give me a push in the right direction.


While I disagree with some of this thread-Yes I use Sonar x1Exp which would mean you would not have to buy any plugs or VST's to start. But you would need the Producer version for that and its as pricey as Cubase and the rest-$499 I think.
But I do agree that reaper, even though it does not do it for me, is a great price for a good daw with few plugs to speak of. You see, for straight up recording Audio, yes Reaper is great bang for the buck-probably the best becau. But I need softsynths for Bass, Keys and drums..
Kevin everyone has good intentions here, me included. So try Reaper and then count how much $$ you will spend to get VST synths and plugs. Add that up and then look at the Daws that come with many plugs. It's an eye opener. I don't mean just Sonar, but I don't think any have as many plugs and softsynths as Sonar.
Dpending on your budget Reaper and Komplete 8 (Native Instruments) would give you everything you need for a long time (except a real good audio editor, but there are some real good free ones.-even has a new Studio Drummer module that sounds nice.
I have yet to find any VST package that has real good Bass and Drums. And I have looked.
Anyway, check out native Instruments-tons of great stuff. I have Kontakt 4, Scarbee Basses, Steven Slate Drums, Ez Drummer, Melodyne, Izotope Ozone 4 and 5, Alloy, Sound Forge Pro, etc, etc. My point being, you can buy plugs forever-I think I have a plug addiction :) Frank

I think logic express is a great deal and leaves options to upgrade for the mac users. Transitioning to logic is easier once you have your feet wet with garage band. I tried reaper and for the money was very nice but without any handholding i found it a pain in the ass.
Glen Sorrentino said:
I think logic express is a great deal and leaves options to upgrade for the mac users. Transitioning to logic is easier once you have your feet wet with garage band. I tried reaper and for the money was very nice but without any handholding i found it a pain in the ass.

Full blown Logic is now only $199 via the Mac App Store. No need to buy the paired down Express version any more.
I did buy a DAW - Reaper. So that part's no longer on the table. What I'm looking for are suggestions for plug-ins for the Reaper program. Advice is greatly appreciated.
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