What really gets to me on this forum so far!!!


Sorry for sounding like an ass here....but I just don't why guitarists on this forum are whining about axe edit all the time.... I've had an axe fx 2 for about 3 months now... I don't see why people can't live without this "rushed" version of axe edit.... for gods sake...stop your whining and grow the F*$7 up and stop acting like little whiny children ...."oh, I want my axe edit...and I want it now!" my god, how childish can ya get, really...I'm so sick of hearing this crap...sorry, some things when kept up just drive me over the edge...I come here every day and hear the same ol' shi$ ...its getting old...now I hear Fractal is releasing a " not entirely finished" version for all the whiners....This really upsets me, really. I for one can wait until its done and perfect....I couldn't care less if it took another year....and believe me I'm eager too. Just wanted to get that off my chest... cheers!
P.S...if you are offended by this, then you probably one of these people... I'm a pretty easy going guy and I never say stuff to people to belittle them in any way....but I had to say something here on this matter....I work with people like this, whiners! and why does it seem that the whiners always get their way...babies. makes me sick, really!
But how do you really feel! lol! Though I agree its not the end of the world not to have it, I think it'll never be perfect so I'm OK with the decision to release it now in partial form (partial not meaning buggy but meaning some features not yet available).
Personally, I've never had a real problem with any of the iterations of the beta-Axe-Edit. Although, I think one there was a time when I couldn't have it open with another program (can't remember which one at this point) or there would be an audio lock up... or something.

The real thing to whine about is how Fractal just inexplicably removed the most recent version as a download? Yes, of course you can just go to the forum and find any number of links to mirrors to download it, but why would FA have the Axe-Edit on their site for download for YEARS and then just decide, "Well, I guess since we're... ...six months away from releasing a new version we might as well go ahead and annoy a few people."
We often come here to chill and see whats new, so a lot of us get offended when we see negativity and ugly truths thrown around in our little sanctuary. Usually when someone is being negative here they get beaten down pretty quickly, but the odds seem to be pretty even this time.

Most of us generally wouldnt care to reply at all, but after reading the same drawn-out arguments over and over again, there is something about it that just compels us to add to it in more meaningless ways. And so..

All I want to say about it is
a) why the need to blame particular departments in FAS? FAS is FAS. If you wanna be a big man and blow off steam in public, please dont sissy out and then scruple to add that you still like Cliff and its not his fault/department.
b) if no-one complained, how could FAS come to understand the need/demand/hysteria for AE, and therefore, appropriately resource its development?
sounds like op is whining as well...I love the people who pick and choose how and when they "whine" and who "they" get to call whiners...I like the AE, though I havent whined nor complained once about it. I dont think I need to justify why I prefer it any more than someone who doesnt use it though the reasons are many.
Studio people, with AE installed in an inaccessible FX rack, who counted on being able to programe patches from their central computer console, can certainly complain that they can't use it any more - as AE changes the patches.

The rest of us have got used to using the front of the Axe to get round what we want, but it would be great to have AE again.

A very fair request for FAS to consider, is that they use a bit of corporate communication to keep us up to date with what's going on.
So now we have threads about people that whine over no AE.
And we have threads about people who whine about people who whine about AE.
I wonder what would happen if these threads were merged.
And I still cant loose the feeling that the meteor in russia somehow is connected to all this.
Anyways its Friday, so wish you all a wonderfull weekend :)
Would you like cheese with your whine?

This has been beaten to death in so many threads. To each his own and one size does not fit all. We are all glad you do not need AE. Don't speak for the rest of us who do! Please!

It is a great product and enhances our Axe experience and we are waiting patiently for it.
Would you like cheese with your whine?

This has been beaten to death in so many threads. To each his own and one size does not fit all. We are all glad you do not need AE. Don't speak for the rest of us who do! Please!

It is a great product and enhances our Axe experience and we are waiting patiently for it.

Yup... It is great! But I can live without it...
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