What do you use as a stand to raise your Axe-Fx III?

A couple questions, please - What model is this? How high is it off the ground? It reminds me the most of what I fabbed up below. Thanks
Hi. My post was from 2019. I still have the stand, but I have no recollection of where I got it. In terms of height it's adjustable. Think you can get a general idea from the 1x12 Matrix cab next to it. I have it about waist height.
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I use an Ultimate AMP-150 amp stand, with a couple of pieces of tubing to extend the "legs" to make contact with the top of my 4U rack case. It keeps the Axe angled up in front of me, if the gig allows for it. Easy access to everything. And it's low to the ground, in case somebody gets rambunctious and knocks it over. An FC-6 (or FC-12, depending) plus an EV-1 expression pedal complete the rig. As always, a 12'-long guitar cable lies coiled under the Axe in case my wireless fails.


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