What db boost do you have for solos?

Couldn't remember if the ability to adjust was only on the Axe Fx III or if it was also on the II.

For my Axe II's I captured the Sysex to increment scene 1 volume in .25 db increments from 0db to +20db, and from 0db to -20db.

With my midi controller, I remain in scene one, and used midi to turn stuff on and off, and switch x and y axis.

The III allows a modifier to be attached to the output knob. I use this religiously.

I got into the habit of always using the same modifier number for the same task. For ex in my world, modifier 1 (cc16) is amp drive, 2 (cc17) is Amp Master Volume, 3 (cc18) is Amp block overall volume, etc and so forth. I map boost, cut, fat, and sat, then delay mix, reverb mix, wah engagement, so I know where to go each time to manipulate a preset into submission for a particular purpose.
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