What are some tips and tricks for glassy cleans?

personally, i think compression is a vital ingredient. if you're not well versed on how to use compressors, just throw in the MBC block after the amp/cab and leave it on the default settings. needless to say, single coils will give you a glassier sound than humbuckers.

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Cool, thanks. I would not have thought a tweed could be so clean, but obviously a cab block adds speaker breakup, more mids, etc

I agree. A cab adds a lot of the mids and low end. Eliminating the IR allows me to hear more of the amps tonal characteristics, which is why I typically go cabless for cleans.
just for giggles i tried the tube pre amp type (master on 10, level on zero, gain on 6) with no cab running into the mbc at default. up the treble and drop the bass a bit in the amp block. chuck on some really nice ambience. shiny.

try with a little optical compressor in front of the amp as well.
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