What’s this fm3 edit

There's an option in the Editor preferences for something like Prompt on edited preset. Find that and turn it off. It's an optional safeguard to keep you from losing your edits when changing from an edited preset that hasn't been saved.
There's an option in the Editor preferences for something like Prompt on edited preset. Find that and turn it off. It's an optional safeguard to keep you from losing your edits when changing from an edited preset that hasn't been saved.
Yeah it’s still prompting me even after turning it to off. It’s never done this before
I have the same issue on my FM9 using FM9 edit. No matter what that setting is set to, this always pops up. I'v'e just learned to ignore it.
It sounds as if the FM9-Edit.settings file or its parent directory is not writable.

With FM9-Edit closed, navigate to the following directory:

C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\Fractal Audio\FM9-Edit

/Users/<user name>/Library/Application Support/Fractal Audio/FM9-Edit

Check the file properties of FM9-Edit.settings and its parent directory to be sure it is writable.

On Mac, you can correct user directory permission by launching Disk Utility and running First Aid on the disk.

To be sure "Prompt on edited preset" is off, you can either

1 ) delete the file FM9-Edit.settings, which will return FM9-Edit to its default settings upon starting FM9-Edit


2) open FM9-Edit.settings in a text editor and locate the following line:

<VALUE name="PROMPT_EDITED" val="0"/>

Setting val="0" will disable the prompt. Save the file and restart FM9-Edit.
Settings-preferences-options and for FM3 uncheck the 5th line about prompt on edit !!
Thanks for all the help I learned so much about the edit settings !
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