Warning: Buy a Axe-FX II on ebay today (May 22?)

the way i look at it is this. For $200 extra dollars I can get it strait from fractal and know that it is warranted, and legit. The guy seems somewhat sketchy. For me I'm willing to pay the full price for the confidence in knowing that I'm not getting scammed.

This may be a true statement if you live in the US.

However, in Canada we pay higher shipping from fractal. Its $100 US even though I live 6hrs away. if i was way out in california it'd only be $30. Then theres 13percent tax on purchase price plus shipping as it crosses the border plus a $40 broker fee at minimum. All in you're looking at around $2600 U.S. Anyway, I held out for a year until I found the right seller. Even though he was out of Vancouver I managed to get it for $1900 shipped and insured. I called him on his phone at home. Asked for his home address, google streetviewed it, checked his facebook, twitter, and linkedin info before I wired him the money. Turned out to be a great transaction and I saved $700 U.S.
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