Wah oh Wah is this suddenly happening ?

Lee Servis

I've (only) recently been having probs with wah wah activities.

After following Cooper Carter's video from many years back on how to (very simply) set up my EV-1 as a wah wah pedal, I never had a problem... but all of a sudden I can't even seem to engage the wah wah pedal when I want to.

I first noticed this when I was playing the factory preset "50W Plexi". I noticed there is a wah pedal in the chain, but when I stepped on my EV-1, expecting it to kick in..... nothing. And I can't even click on the wah block (in FM3 Edit) and engage or disengage it. I'm a very simple creature, so assumed a smarter mind than mine - whoever created the Plexi 50W factory preset - had some special settings going on that were beyond me.

So I started to make my own preset from scratch and added a wah block - going through the Cooper Carter process again: click on the control button, select External 1, select medium position etc., but once I'd done that I noticed a yellow dot appear on the control button and, once again, I could neither click on. the wah block to engage or disengage it. I'm stumped - and not for the first time when it comes to FM3 or FM9, but that says more about my computer incompetence.

The Cooper Carter video I'm referring to - Setting Up An EV-1 As A Wah Pedal - is 8 years old, so maybe there's a new way of using/ engaging the wah pedal ??? It's just that it was all SO simple the way I had been doing it, previously.... but no longer seems to be effective.

Many thanks in advance for any help and advice.
That “Medium Position” setting is an Auto-Engage setting. It engages the Wah based on expression pedal position. With the Wah block set up for Auto-Engage, you’re no longer able to (and no longer need to) engage it by other means.
I came for the title ha. I was having some strange wah behaviors as well and then eventually realized my cable somehow popped out every so slightly. derp.
Also check to be sure that you still have EXTERNAL 1 set to PEDAL 1 (or whichever pedal you're using)
Find this setting under SETUP > MIDI Remote > External
Anybody else hear the title in a little old Mississippi lady voice in their head? Lol.
PROBLEM SOLVED: I watched a more recent YT video about the wah wah block. Whereas I had been using (after watching the 'old' Cooper Carter video from about 8 years ago) "External 1" as the source, I now needed to choose "PEDAL 1 [EXP/SW TIP]" from the same pull-down menu... and now I'm wah wahing with the best of 'em again!
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