Vote for AMP-NEUTRAL (or: EFFECTS ONLY) patches please

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I have specific effects which require dedicated patches. And I switch between various amp sims.
I want to be able to decide on the spot to switch to that effects patch, it's not all planned in advance.
This requires that I create a 'variation' of that effect patch for every amp sim that I may use. And that's a drag!

Example: I have a 'Shimmer' patch. I use Blackface, Plexi and JCM800 sims regularly. This means that I have to create 3 Shimmer patches, one for each amp.

This could be solved if the AMP and CAB blocks have a "KEEP CURRENT" feature. Meaning that they'd copy the amp and cab settings from the previous patch and just apply the effects. In this case I'd need just one Shimmer patch, because it would inherit the amp/cab settings from the previous patch.
This mimics the use of a real external effects device.

It would require less programming, saves presets space and allow for more flexibility IMO.
Dutch said:
And what if you'd then want to change amps all of a sudden?

Good point / goed punt ;-)

In my own setup I've taken care of this by dedicating a footcontroller switch to amp selection.
I'm using the Gordius and I can, in any bank, scroll through my favorite amp sims, using one switches (or more). It's just like assigning switches to real amp channel switching.
To change amps, I select another amp sim (patch), and re-select the effect patch.

Yes, this is a little more tapdancing but it's still flexible. And if I start to like a new amp sim, I don't have to change the effects patch. (nevertheless, I use amp-dedicated effects patches as well)

I could see some people that would benefit by this, but I doubt I'd use it.
I get by with about 20 presets, most of which are based on the same layout. That and some IA's are all I need. Seeing that my ancient mind is screwed up as much as it is, I don't think I want more things to keep track of... :oops:

But I like having options. :D
How about two grids, one with amps for example, and the seconds with effects. The two grids could respond to 2 different midi channels.

That would mimic operation of an actual midi amp + midi effects.
kungpower13 said:
How about two grids, one with amps for example, and the seconds with effects. The two grids could respond to 2 different midi channels.
That would mimic operation of an actual midi amp + midi effects.

That's creative thinking!
This feature is implemented in the Line 6 POD editor, I think it was called "FX setups" - it'd be great to have.
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