Virtual Pedal on a Real Amp

Jerry K.

I am setting up some patches to use in front of a real Fender Deluxe. The amp will be set to clean and I want to use the Axe not only for Delay,Chorus etc... but for stomp boxes. So far, all of my efforts have produced mainly a buzzy type of sound versus the creamy sound I get in the FRFR environment. So far, I am not using any sort of amp effect, should I? I am looking for some help/advice on how to set this up.

Have you plugged it into the amp? Without a real cabinet or at least a cab block filtering the high end, distortion will create a whole lot of very ugly, buzzy-sounding stuff.

If the actual amp isn't handy, you should put an amp and cab block in the preset while you set up the effects, and then bypass them later.
If I had to make a guess at it, I'd say that you may be running into the old volume issue- a lot of dirt pedals do their best when they are pushing an amp that's already working pretty hard, so that Deluxe will need to be moving some air to have the best effect.

Also- and maybe someone can correct me if I'm wrong- but I think that unity gain for the Axe in a pedal only chain is with the output knob turned all the way up. If your output knobs are turned down, you'll be sending whatever dirt the Axe pedals are generating with a very weak signal into the front of the amp. That's a recipe for yucky, so make sure your output knob in the Axe is maxxed.

I wouldn't use any amp effects (I assume you mean like the amp's own reverb and trem) just because it's much more controllable on the Axe, but do what sounds good and natural.

I've used my AF2 with my Bassman as a virtual pedalboard, and it sounds great as long as I can stand to turn the amp up and let it do its thing. At that volume, local universities start picking up the amp on their seismograms, so I usually revert back to the Axe all on it's own! My ears can't take the pounding anymore.
Thanks for the input, volume or the lack of may indeed be the issue. I found that lowering the high cut helped but I just can't seem to reproduce how great the pedals sound in FRFR when I go direct into my Amp. I wonder how the new floor unit that is coming out compensates for this?
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