Video Tutorial: AX8 Beyond Basics - Part 1 -AX8-Edit

Ok I got out of factory preset, created a couple but the volune is gone..levels are matched pretty where did the volume go? I coukd see it if the levels were not close but they are higher and I have hardly any volume
Ok I got out of factory preset, created a couple but the volune is gone..levels are matched pretty where did the volume go? I coukd see it if the levels were not close but they are higher and I have hardly any volume
no idea. upload the preset please so we can see exactly what's going on.
Ok I got out of factory preset, created a couple but the volune is gone..levels are matched pretty where did the volume go? I coukd see it if the levels were not close but they are higher and I have hardly any volume
you say the "levels are matched pretty close." close to what?

the preset you uploaded has the Amp Level at -12. why not turn that up? do you have the Beginner's Video? check out the VU section. if not, here's an older video using the Axe-Fx (the 2nd video):

when i loaded your preset, the Amp Y state was loaded. i'm guessing you are using the X state though. on X, the Drive and Master are very low around 2.00. the Level here again is -13. you can turn that up.

the LEVEL parameter in the Amp block is the best thing for adjusting your overall preset volume. the resulting number is dependent on Drive, Master and many other settings. so don't worry about the resulting number. i could have presets set to -13, -2, and +5 dB and they could all SOUND the same volume. so again, the resulting number there doesn't matter. use the VU meter to balance it to the 0 line in the middle and your presets will be similar.
you say the "levels are matched pretty close." close to what?

the preset you uploaded has the Amp Level at -12. why not turn that up? do you have the Beginner's Video? check out the VU section. if not, here's an older video using the Axe-Fx (the 2nd video):

when i loaded your preset, the Amp Y state was loaded. i'm guessing you are using the X state though. on X, the Drive and Master are very low around 2.00. the Level here again is -13. you can turn that up.

the LEVEL parameter in the Amp block is the best thing for adjusting your overall preset volume. the resulting number is dependent on Drive, Master and many other settings. so don't worry about the resulting number. i could have presets set to -13, -2, and +5 dB and they could all SOUND the same volume. so again, the resulting number there doesn't matter. use the VU meter to balance it to the 0 line in the middle and your presets will be similar.
The level is about halfway on the illuminated dial, seems with some factory presets that was knocking my head off. The level on the amp block is about halfway, that does not seem very loud..I have the power amp down to about 1/4 on the output...I get output and I put levels..I don't get why it has to be in negative dB format...seems a little ridiculous to me, of course I'm used to pots that read 0-10..just another way of doing it, to me it's rediculous...if you don't really inventory the wheel I guess it isn't as thanks KS for the I did see setting the master low and level upwas good for high gain settings.simple just concerns me I am not getting g the power..yes I know how to turn it up..
Sorry,got off trak..the factory presets were so loud I had to turn the levels down,not using edit on the unit itself to about a 1/4 or it was very loud..the preset I created is missing volune when the levels are the same on the unit...
Sorry,got off trak..the factory presets were so loud I had to turn the levels down,not using edit on the unit itself to about a 1/4 or it was very loud..the preset I created is missing volune when the levels are the same on the unit...
As I said, the LEVEL parameter can be set differently for every preset yet still have the same volume to our ears. You cannot adjust the Level parameter by eye or number - you'll get the problem you are experiencing now.

Use the VU meter like I suggested. Watch the videos.
Sorry,I missed you did say that..i didn't the preset level can read the very similar on the level indicator but be at another level on the vu" meter as you mentioned...again thanks for your this explained in the video you have via paypal?
Sorry,I missed you did say that..i didn't the preset level can read the very similar on the level indicator but be at another level on the vu" meter as you mentioned...again thanks for your this explained in the video you have via paypal?
yes. the DRIVE and MASTER volume can change the volume we hear. the LEVEL parameter is what you use to compensate for those changes. so it doesn't matter what number it ends up.

watch these before buying the video for the VU specifically:
Chris after watching the video on VU meter it is explained as mentioned..q: this is not accessable from the edit page? As I tried to explain the factory presets are painfully loud compared to the one I sent you..this would mean that there vu meter values are set that high? From what I am trying to understand...each preset has a drive,level,master and of course optional things such as boost,fat..etc and then has to be individually set from the vu meter for the completed output level? Which if true,I will never use factory presets as when I set my own up the levels will have to be within reason...not sure why no type of unity volume setting is to be found..
Thinking back,so as in the video the vu meter WOULD indeed be used for unity gain as I mentioned, and, as explained in the video, vu meter is used exactly for unity gain for different types signals..clean ,dirty, clean signal is louder as created by the structure of the sound wave...makes if I understand this correctly..the vu meter is the best place to set levels for say if I wanted to use 5 presets for a show..after their sounds are completed use the vu meter to then balance the outputs? Using x/y for rhythm and lead options..the vu meter would read differntly for each if used as a lead channel..(louder) so now I am confused again..
Thinking back,so as in the video the vu meter WOULD indeed be used for unity gain as I mentioned, and, as explained in the video, vu meter is used exactly for unity gain for different types signals..clean ,dirty, clean signal is louder as created by the structure of the sound wave...makes if I understand this correctly..the vu meter is the best place to set levels for say if I wanted to use 5 presets for a show..after their sounds are completed use the vu meter to then balance the outputs? Using x/y for rhythm and lead options..the vu meter would read differntly for each if used as a lead channel..(louder) so now I am confused again..

Dude, I really suggest you to buy Chris tutorials. He explains it really nice.
It is super worth it! :D
Thinking back,so as in the video the vu meter WOULD indeed be used for unity gain as I mentioned, and, as explained in the video, vu meter is used exactly for unity gain for different types signals..clean ,dirty, clean signal is louder as created by the structure of the sound wave...makes if I understand this correctly..the vu meter is the best place to set levels for say if I wanted to use 5 presets for a show..after their sounds are completed use the vu meter to then balance the outputs? Using x/y for rhythm and lead options..the vu meter would read differntly for each if used as a lead channel..(louder) so now I am confused again..
If you want something louder, set it louder. The VU just shows where it is on some sort of scale so you can compare it visually.

On the AX8, the horizontal VU meter is now on the main screen. From the FS main page, just tap Shift then Page to go back to it.

I'm not sure why the factory presets were so loud for you. When I looked at your preset on the Horizontal VU meter, it was quiet.
I just finished AX8 Beyond Basics part 1.

It was very good!

This is truly a fantastic value!
Try getting professional training and you could easily pay $100 per hour for a one time session.
I find Chris to be a great teacher, very clear and through in his presentation.
His tone and speed and clarity are perfect.
I would be at square one without his help.
I HIGHLY recommend these offerings Chris has available for Fractal gear.

Thank you Chris!!!
Hi @fjmoran,

I'm excited about seeing Chris' next installment too, but from what I know of him from this forum, his live webcasts, other free videos and the first installment of AX8 Beyond Basics, he is going to create a high quality video. That seems to be taking a little longer than he may have anticipated, but I'm glad he is not going to rush through it. It will be worth the wait.
yeah so sorry everyone. lots of changes at my dayjob, a small business i help run. i also have some big gigs and rehearsals. just trying to balance everything. i REALLY wanted to get this all done in May!! also when i started writing things out, i realized i had content for 3 videos.

i MIGHT make part 2 the Gig Strategies and Footswitch setups. i know most people are waiting for that. i was also waiting a little bit for 3.50 to come out, as now we have even more options!

so yeah, it's definitely much longer than i wanted. sorry! but who ever preordered early is getting at least $30 worth of video for only $10!!! sorry for the wait :(
wow. i have never made a due date for myself, and then missed it by this much. i wanted this done in MAY! ahhhhhh.

i'm very sorry for the wait on the other 2 parts for the Beyond Basics video. a LOT has been going on with my personal life, and i really don't care to go into it. but it has affected my ability to create the remaining videos. i truly apologize for that. i have very little time during the week for non-official FAS work, and unfortunately these events ate up all that time.

i don't dare put another time estimate on it, but please know i am doing what i can. it takes about 20+ consecutive hours to produce a video like this, and i'm trying to find that time. thanks for your support.
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