Video - AxeFx pick dynamics demo


Power User
Hey Fractal Friends! Here's a video I did last night. It's my first attempt at a demo video with quality audio. It's demo of pick dynamics and also shows how just using different pups can control gain. I didn't touch the guitar volume during this. I ran AxeFx stereo and a MXL V63 mic for voice direct to Sonar. Mixed (with nothing touched on guitar except volume) and exported audio. Imported that audio into the video and muted the camera mic volume. It's pretty clear to see I'm more comfortable on the other side of the camera, but I'll get better. Feedback is welcome :geek

YouTube - axefx dynamics
Thanks Sixstring! For the longest time, for clean I was Fender Fender Fender. But then I started dialing around and "discovered" the Dr Z model, and it quickly became my go-to clean/OD tone. Considering I'm a gainiac, that clean tone puts a smile on my face.
Thanks claham! I'm not sure what you're asking. The Dr Z tone is a preset I made in the AxeFx that uses the Mr Z 38 SR amp model. I'm using stock cabs with it (2x12 Blue and 1x12 E12L). Drive added is FET boost.
Cool stuff - even through the YouTube overcompression (I hate YouTube audio) you sounded great!

As do I. Setting the quality to at 720p or 1080p fixes it as much as possible for the time being. Through my listening tests, the audio quality is identical on those two settings, and unless you're full-screening 720p should do the job just fine with lower loading time.

Vimeo is the best online video player I have come across yet, in terms of audio quality. When I start uploading videos, it will be there.

Edit: Almost forgot! Loved the demo, IO. This is one of those videos in which, if you were only listening, you could swear up and down that it was a tube amp with effects. Love it.
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Thanks Guys! I appreciate the feedback. I agree about youtube. I was hoping that setting it to 720p or 1080p would sound good. The weird thing about this video is, well, the video. My camera takes ultra clear HD video -outside in daylight. This was done inside obviously, and despite flooding the room with lights, it's still grainy. I'm going to have to figure something else out for lighting - or move my studio into the front yard :)
Thanks Sixstring! For the longest time, for clean I was Fender Fender Fender. But then I started dialing around and "discovered" the Dr Z model, and it quickly became my go-to clean/OD tone. Considering I'm a gainiac, that clean tone puts a smile on my face.

I'm kind of the same way Rob. Most of my cleans went from all Fender to DrZ. Now I'm also using the Shiva Clean for a lot of them. It's a pretty sweet amp model if you haven't tried it.

Never spent much time with the Brit Pre, but I think I need to now.
Dr Z is sweet for sure :) Definitely try the Brit Pre when you get a chance Matt. I first tried it with the band and found it to be a bit too bright and thin at gig level so I passed it by. But recently found for recording it has a great Marshall sound, and one of the best preamps for dynamics. Of course YMMV since everyone's gear is different.
Great demo, and Scott was right... your tones sounded great even with the crummy YT audio compression.

Just curious... did you tweak your presets using your studio monitors, and if so, what studio monitors were you using?
Great demo, and Scott was right... your tones sounded great even with the crummy YT audio compression.

Just curious... did you tweak your presets using your studio monitors, and if so, what studio monitors were you using?

Thanks Thomas 8)

For live tones, I tweak using the Carvin 15's (3-way) you see behind me in the vid. That's what the audience will hear, so that's what I tweak on. For recording, I use my studio monitors (KRK Rokit 6) to tweak. Considering the Rokit 6 is a "budget" monitor, I think they sound fantastic.
Thanks Thomas 8)

For live tones, I tweak using the Carvin 15's (3-way) you see behind me in the vid. That's what the audience will hear, so that's what I tweak on. For recording, I use my studio monitors (KRK Rokit 6) to tweak. Considering the Rokit 6 is a "budget" monitor, I think they sound fantastic.

So, do you have different versions of your presets, one set for live use with the Carvins, and one set for recording/monitoring with the Rokits?

Yes, I have the Rokit 8s, and I think they sound really good. I do prefer playing thru my EV Live-X 112P FRFR monitors though... feels more "natural" I guess? :)
So, do you have different versions of your presets, one set for live use with the Carvins, and one set for recording/monitoring with the Rokits?

Yes, I have the Rokit 8s, and I think they sound really good. I do prefer playing thru my EV Live-X 112P FRFR monitors though... feels more "natural" I guess? :)

I do have different versions for live vs. recording/monitoring. The live presets have highs and lows brought down and mids up a bit to cut through a mix better. When the family is home I usually just play through the Rokits at "reasonable" levels (my wife would disagree with that haha), but when no one is home, the poweramp and Carvin 15's get fired up and then the house foundation is subject to needing repair.
I do have different versions for live vs. recording/monitoring. The live presets have highs and lows brought down and mids up a bit to cut through a mix better. When the family is home I usually just play through the Rokits at "reasonable" levels (my wife would disagree with that haha), but when no one is home, the poweramp and Carvin 15's get fired up and then the house foundation is subject to needing repair.

Thanks for the response, Rob!

Funny how we and our wives have totally different ideas of "reasonable" levels, huh? ;)

Reason I ask is that I'm struggling a bit to try to use only one preset, and then trying to use the Global EQ on one of the Outputs to compensate for the EVs different frequency response curve.

I think I may just create different versions like you're doing... it's not like we don't have enough preset slots in the Axe-Fx. :D

Would you mind sharing your a couple of your presets... one that you use live, and one of the same preset that you use for recording? I know they probably won't sound the same on my setup, but I use other folks' presets more to learn how to tweak my own rig. :)
Would you mind sharing your a couple of your presets... one that you use live, and one of the same preset that you use for recording? I know they probably won't sound the same on my setup, but I use other folks' presets more to learn how to tweak my own rig. :)

I would if I had them on my PC. I usually just keep my important presets in the first 64 slots and use the onboard flash memory to back them up.

What I can tell you though is the advice on this thread made a world of difference in cutting through the band. Adding this param EQ to my patches is really the only difference between band and recording. The EQ curve keeps me from competing with the bass and getting washed out by the cymbals. Other than that, the presets are pretty much the same. Hope that helps :)
I would if I had them on my PC. I usually just keep my important presets in the first 64 slots and use the onboard flash memory to back them up.

What I can tell you though is the advice on this thread made a world of difference in cutting through the band. Adding this param EQ to my patches is really the only difference between band and recording. The EQ curve keeps me from competing with the bass and getting washed out by the cymbals. Other than that, the presets are pretty much the same. Hope that helps :)

Hey Rob,

Yeah, that helps! I've actually been meaning to sit down and learn a lot more about the PEQ, so thanks for the link, much appreciated. :)
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