Van Halen A Diffent Kind of Truth

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I'm loving this record. It sounds young and fresh. I think the boys should be proud of this one. I also agree that this sounds like what should have been the follow up to 1984. It just sucks that it took so long for this to be realized. On a good note.. at least on the surface it seems that everyone is playing nice. Let's hope it stays that way. I still think MA should have been involved. Wolfie is doing great though.
Hey has anyone seen what's going on with the Black Sabbath reunion. It seems that Sharon "Yoko" Osbourn is up to her old tricks. Hope they get Bill Ward back on board.

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It seems that Sharon "Yoko" Osbourn is up to her old tricks.

Have to agree with pretty much everything 4koa said.

Have to add-Eddie should ditch the wah pedal and 5150 3, drag out the old Plexi and crank it.
Other than that, good to have VH rockin' again, especially without the keyboards/no more "Jump"s!
As a long time Van Halen fan, I think this is super and a welcome return to the vibe of the first 3 albums. Some really great tunes. Not as crazy about HoneySweetiething but pretty much everything else is really good and Eddie is the best I've heard him in a long time. There are some Youtube Vids from the LA Forum show that show he's in strong form and sober.

And as for Dave, thank goodness he is back. Sure he's lost some range but you can tell he his having a great time and love the his lyrical wit.

Great stuff!
1) Eddie needs to be put in the penalty box for excessive use of wah
2) Guitar tone doesn't do much for me, isn't bad - just isn't my favorite of his
3) Solid songs. Nothing I am going crazy about but solid effort
4) Bullethead and Honeysweetbabiedoll get left on the CD and won't be appearing in the iTunes play list
5) Old VH vibe
6) Crazy Dave lyrics!
7) They are going to print money with the tour
8) Wolfgang haters get shut down, the kid can play
Hopefully Wolfgang is the one actually playing on the CD. Eddie used to record many of Mikes bass parts on record.

The songs are rocking, sound great and Eddie is playing his ass off in those L.A.Forum You Tube clips from a couple nights ago!!
1) Eddie needs to be put in the penalty box for excessive use of wah
2) Guitar tone doesn't do much for me, isn't bad - just isn't my favorite of his
3) Solid songs. Nothing I am going crazy about but solid effort
4) Bullethead and Honeysweetbabiedoll get left on the CD and won't be appearing in the iTunes play list
5) Old VH vibe
6) Crazy Dave lyrics!
7) They are going to print money with the tour
8) Wolfgang haters get shut down, the kid can play

Everything you said is pretty much spot on imho. I love the old EVH, and this is the closest he's come to the old EVH, but to me it's still is short from his early years. I have to give him credit for a nice attempt, and Wolfgang plays great bass no doubting that. Dave of course has some kewl lyrics, i just feel there not as good as the old days.
^^ News flash dude, Nobody is a good as their youthful prime!! Name me one band that puts out better material than they did in their 20's and 30's
Eddie has never played a phrygian type riff like Honeysweetbabiedoll.I really liked hearing him play that.I am very surprized to hear him using a whammy pedal.I notice a few satriani type signature riffs in a few of the solo spots.I overall really like it!. It has great grooves an riffs from all the roth era VH.
Band sounds great. Roth sounds bad. It's hard to understand what he is saying most of the time. If the producer had made him focus to hone his vocal ideas (or lack thereof) we might have had a great record. Is it cool for nostalgia sake? Absolutely but will it get more than a few novelty plays in my car? Not a chance.

PS: if Wolfie in fact played all the bass and didn't let his daddy do it the kid deserves some respect.
I'd have thought this album wasn't going to age well, but the CD has been in my car every day since Tuesday and I like it MORE now than I did when I was listening to the leaked mp3s a week ago.
for understandable reasons, a lot of people (me included) were ready to put this one in the bin quickly, but it will sneak up on you in spite of the bits that fall short.


We'd forgotten how good something catchy and yet still ballsy can sound I suspect.
I also agree that Hammerhead aside, I like all the songs and think Stay Frosty is a GREAT song. So much Dave.

I haven't had as much fun listening to an album in years. Remember fun?! : )
Pete Thorn has this to say:
New VH Kicks A** Big-Time! : WoodyTone!

It took about 5 listens, but...
I am soo thrilled with the VH CD. It has some ripping guitar. I haven't heard any bands lately just jamming & blowing like VH is on this cd.
I think they went for a heavier sound to be 'modern'. (Sort of like the latest Tesla cd.)
Wolfie totally keeps up & despite some Dave comments on these posts, I disagree. I think he does well & on some of the later songs even sounds like Sammy.
I saw a post that said there were no hooks. I agreed at first listen, yet after a few days I have the songs going round & round in my head.
One point is to get over what you expected it to be & chew on what it is.
I grew up on the hair & metal bands, Nugent, Kiss, AC/DC, RATT, etc. I wish they could all put out strong cds in 2012. One thing that just shocks me is that VH is gonna tour with Cool & The Gang. I just don't like that choice at all. (But I do remember seeing them on the 1984 tour and their opening act AUTHGRAPH got booed in Columbia, SC really bad.)
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