V6 Beta

I think we'd prob have gotten it already, but there were complaints about how 'unprofessional' FAS was by not syncing the release of the firmware with axe edit etc. Meaning that people wanted everything to work straight off the bat when it was ready. Which is in itself not an unreasonable request tho.
So it's only fair that they release it when everything is ready. Don't complain - we brought this one upon ourselves.
Wow, what a terrible thread, I think I just threw-up in my mouth. Please someone incinerate this thread and let everyone work on the new firmware.
I haven't even wanted to touch my AxeII because 6.0 is not loaded on it!! Arg!!!

I was about to start making a bank of patches with every amp model and then make clean & dirty versions for the ones that make sense. Then, I realized that with 6.0 coming, it would be a complete waste of my time.

Oh well, I've got lots of other projects to do....
Soon. This is a big release accompanied by an MFC and Axe-Edit update. We have a new protocol that syncs everything. So if you change a preset via the front panel or Axe-Edit, the MFC syncs up, etc.

'New protocol that syncs' is apparently the reason for the grouped release of all three updates this time. It's possible that future updates will release like they did in past (i.e. new Axe-Fx firmware first, new Axe-Edit a few days later).
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