Utility of level meter on Meters page vs. those in the Output block Mixer page?


After many happy years with my AX8, I just acquired an FM9 from a friend who decided it was essentially "overkill" for his needs. So I'm new to this unit.

What is the utility of these two meters? It seems to me that the meters in Mixer page of the Output block are more useful.

I was trying to come up with the approach for leveling presets and it seems to me the handful of factory presets I checked out, they all appeared to produce readings on the Output block Mixer page that are tickling the 0dB line between the red and black. this seems like a more precise way to get your presets leveled.

Is this a common approach amongst those who've been using the FM9 (or other current product) for a while?
Meters that show on the blocks in the Layout Grid are good for referencing if you don’t get signal - what block it stops at.

Output block meters are for leveling, and yes we leveled around 0 there. But on the Layout page, press the A knob to zoom out and see those same meters now on the top of the screen. Now use the Nav arrows to highlight any block, and turn the C knob to adjust its level. This is best used for the Amp block, which is where we leveled the Factory presets.
Yes, that's good...however...for those of us who spend most of their time using FM-Edit rather than the hardware to build presets, the meters in Layout view's amp blocks are of little utility.

What would be most helpful is if the meters appeared in FM-Edit, somewhere they were always viewable. Perhaps a good spot would be between the Help menu item and the Tuner menu/button. I'll post this "ask" somewhere, if I don't see it's already been asked for.
Yes, that's good...however...for those of us who spend most of their time using FM-Edit rather than the hardware to build presets, the meters in Layout view's amp blocks are of little utility.

What would be most helpful is if the meters appeared in FM-Edit, somewhere they were always viewable. Perhaps a good spot would be between the Help menu item and the Tuner menu/button. I'll post this "ask" somewhere, if I don't see it's already been asked for.
When you're in the editor, use the meters on the preset leveling page. That page also gives you some helpful knobs to fiddle with.
Yes, that's good...however...for those of us who spend most of their time using FM-Edit rather than the hardware to build presets, the meters in Layout view's amp blocks are of little utility.

What would be most helpful is if the meters appeared in FM-Edit, somewhere they were always viewable. Perhaps a good spot would be between the Help menu item and the Tuner menu/button. I'll post this "ask" somewhere, if I don't see it's already been asked for.
they are available in Tools, Preset Leveling. the first post seemed to mention hardware, so i only talked about hardware.
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