Using Scene Controllers - v12 - Tutorial, Video and Blog

Great vid! I still wonder if it'll ever be implemetned....go to a scene, change the delay time, hit save, and it saves that state to the specific scene. Would be a lot easier than a scene controller. but this really made a TON more sense and explained very well how to set it up. Just seems a bit cumbersome to set scene controllers.
Great vid! I still wonder if it'll ever be implemetned....go to a scene, change the delay time, hit save, and it saves that state to the specific scene. Would be a lot easier than a scene controller. but this really made a TON more sense and explained very well how to set it up. Just seems a bit cumbersome to set scene controllers.

X / Y states and Scenes are for quick changes with no drop outs.

For general changes I just use presets.
Question: Can't we just set different parameters in Scenes anyway without the SC's?

Nope. Scenes only control the Engage/Bypass state and XY settings of blocks (among a few other things). So you could say Scenes basically turn things off and on. They do NOT allow you have different parameters in each scene.

Scene Controllers are the closest thing we have right now, and I think it's a step in the direction of being able to save different parameters per scene. But at that point, we are kinda getting close to the functionality of a Preset. I think I saw someone say "I wish Scenes allowed us to change blocks and settings and move things around." Well, that's a preset!

I was going to include a brief explanation of Scenes in this vid, but I wanted to save it for my Presets, Scenes, XY video that I'm planning.

I´m just thinking that values/intervals of percent of the Scene Controllers could be something that anyone code/math-expression-savy person could do.

You might think that :)

I guess it would be that an user fill in the min value he (thinks he) will use, same for the max value and the wanted value he want (for the specific scene). That range, and value searched for would then be output in percent.

Maybe even an regular spreadsheet would the job? And/or it´s calc expressions aviable too, if someone haven´t got the same spreadsheet software but could import the expressions into any other of their choice?

I considered something like that, but I thought a searchable chart might be a better way to go for now. The formula is pretty easy and if someone needs an exact value, I think they can calculate it or get pretty dang close by using my charts - at least for a starting value.

If someone better at math can figure out a formula for the Logarithmic parameters, I can add that.
Great video thank you! I am going to work on scene controllers this weekend. Is it safe to say that most of us would use Axe Edit for these changes, or am I missing something here?
Great video thank you! I am going to work on scene controllers this weekend. Is it safe to say that most of us would use Axe Edit for these changes, or am I missing something here?

I think most people are using Axe Edit now. It is way easier to see than the front panel, for us old guys anyway. I only use Axe Edit, unless I am at band practice and have to tweak something minor.
Simeon's recent video on internal controllers shows how to get to the screens I showed on the front panel.

What can I say, I'm a front panel guy!
Simeon's recent video on internal controllers shows how to get to the screens I showed on the front panel.

What can I say, I'm a front panel guy!

What can I say I am an AXE Editor guy... but, I find it good to see this front panel stuff as well, it teaches me the front panel too. If you fool around on the editor for a while with the scene controller, there is no problem understanding the workflow of this video even its on front panel.

Chris, thanks again. Working on some new presets and tried the scene controller for the first time. Massive good feature. Never bothered with the math stuff though for eg drive, I am just tweaking until it sounds right.
What can I say I am an AXE Editor guy... but, I find it good to see this front panel stuff as well, it teaches me the front panel too. If you fool around on the editor for a while with the scene controller, there is no problem understanding the workflow of this video even its on front panel.

Chris, thanks again. Working on some new presets and tried the scene controller for the first time. Massive good feature. Never bothered with the math stuff though for eg drive, I am just tweaking until it sounds right.

Yup. I think people who use Axe-Edit would know where most of the stuff is that I show the front panel. I think it's best to know the front panel in case you are at a gig without a computer anyway.

I'm setting things by ear as well, except maybe the Synth Freq since I conveniently charted it out for myself, oh yeah and everyone else too. :p
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