Using Scene Controllers - v12 - Tutorial, Video and Blog


Owner's Manual Reader
WOW this took a long time!

I've just completed a video tutorial as well as an in-depth blog discussing the basics of using Scene Controllers.

As I mentioned in other posts on this forum, setting up a Scene Controller is actually very easy. The confusing part is calculating the value you choose for the % in the Scene Controller page - how does that translate to Reverb Time in Seconds? Or Drive with a value of 0.0 to 10?

This tutorial focuses on calculating these values, rather than amazing uses of Scene Controllers. I always think it's best to understand the mechanics of a feature before trying to go crazy with it.

Out of all this explanation, I created a chart that shows what Controller values to choose for corresponding parameter values for some of the most common types of parameters. If I don't include an exact value or parameter type in the chart, I show you how to calculate it on your own.

However, this formula only works for Linear parameter types, Mix, Balance, Drive and Decibel levels etc. Logarithmic types like Frequency, Q and a bunch of others will not work with the Formula and therefore I couldn't make a chart. Someone much smarter than me might be able to calculate these values :)

But I also show how to tune the Scene Controller settings by ear, which will be sufficient in many situations. That said, I did manually chart out the Synth Frequency parameter so you can quickly choose particular notes (with a 440 reference).

So here are the links to my blog post and the charts. Enjoy!

Scene Controllers in the Axe-FX II – Basics : Katsu Kuri Media Blog

Controller Value Charts – Axe-FX II – Fractal Audio Systems : Katsu Kuri Media Blog
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You did a really nice job with what is a very complicated subject, especially when all the terms are so close to each other.
Nice job Chris! Very pro vid, clear vocal, well explained and labeled. Content was spot on! Thank you very much!
Thanks everyone! It's amazing how much time it takes to add even that small amount of text on screen. I can't imagine the workflow of that recent Heavy Amps video!!!
Very Pro job, Chris, funny too. :)
And awesome job on the chart too.

Will add to the wiki today.
thanks. i'm considering adding more values/intervals to the Delay time of 1ms - 8000ms, but it took so dang long and i just wanted to get the video and post out. so i'll see how i feel sometime next week :)
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thanks. i'm considering adding more values/intervals to the Delay time of 1ms - 8000ms, but it took so dang long and i just wanted to get the video and post out. so i'll see how i feel sometime next week :)

I haven´t had time to watch the whole vid, but had some quick peek. Great job done there, so thanks alot!

I´m just thinking that values/intervals of percent of the Scene Controllers could be something that anyone code/math-expression-savy person could do. I guess it would be that an user fill in the min value he (thinks he) will use, same for the max value and the wanted value he want (for the specific scene). That range, and value searched for would then be output in percent.

Maybe even an regular spreadsheet would the job? And/or it´s calc expressions aviable too, if someone haven´t got the same spreadsheet software but could import the expressions into any other of their choice?

Nice work Chris and very helpful. I, and I'm sure many others, truly appreciate the time and effort spent on creating this to help the community better understand the possibilities with this new feature.
Thanks Chris....your time is APPRECIATED!....nicely done, very professional and well thought out.
Question: Can't we just set different parameters in Scenes anyway without the SC's?
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