Using MFC as a looper

Hey guys sorry to hark on this but have read a few threads and still not getting it. I have assigned my ia's as indicated in this. how do I add a looper block to a preset? maybe I am missing something. i have been busting my ass trying to figure this out. any help would be appreciated. an example would be awesome.

Thanks again
If you could wait a few days (a week or two tops) we'll be releasing a new Looper Control Mode for the MFC that will make this super cool and super easy.

NO!!!! I got mine working just fine under "reveal". Don't trivialize my rare success! :p

Oh okay... great work Adam.
If you could wait a few days (a week or two tops) we'll be releasing a new Looper Control Mode for the MFC that will make this super cool and super easy.

Excellent. Of course I just set up some basic Looper controls yesterday, but that's cool. :)

I may be missing something, but it seems that Stack is ignored when Record is active. It would be nice to seamlessly transition from recording to overdubbing without having to hit Record again and then Stack.
Will the new looper control mode include some sort of synchronization? I'd like to try to use it without adding any external switches, but I've never been to get the MFC switches to trigger as accurately as for example with my old Jamman. Even with a dedicated looper, manual synchronization seems tricky.
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