Using foot switches for pedal 1 and their hold function ability or no?

I have....for some reason the Stand in switches only do press and not hold.

Check your switch settings on the FM3 itself - here are my settings, and these work for both tap and hold on my 2 button (momentary) footswitch in my Custom Layouts:


On the FM3 itself, you need to assign them switch numbers within a Layout - for me they are switches 10 and 11 on the Master Layout:


Once the stand in switch is (physically) configured correctly in the FM3, you can the edit the tap and hold functions in FM3 Edit - in my case, editing switches 10 and 11 in the Master Layout:

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I have....for some reason the Stand in switches only do press and not hold.
Momentary or latching switches?

Need to see the pedal jack settings (as shown above) and the stand-in switch settings and the switch settings in the layout.


@Doogz nicely updated his images with additional examples!
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