Using diffent guitars on ame preset


I have a Fender Gillmour CS and a Gibson GT and these two guitars have totally different output level from the pickups. Any good idea on who to use same presets (at least a majority of) switching between the two?
The input level should at least be changed so noice/sound is in the yellow/red level on input meters.
Maybe a boost pedal in front the Axe to switch levels? What pedal would be right for this if so?
Or make banks for Fender/Gibson respectfully?
Make separate banks... I find the Axe to be sensitive to the point that it just makes more sense to build individual presets for each guitar. I have a dedicated bank for each guitar and just use FractalBot to load the applicable bank.
On my actual amp/pedal board rigs, I would often use an RC Boost or EQ pedal and set it for a specific guitar and then not use it on the other guitar (I would only use 2 guitars during a gig).. always a compromise though.
I have a Fender Gillmour CS and a Gibson GT and these two guitars have totally different output level from the pickups. Any good idea on who to use same presets (at least a majority of) switching between the two?
The input level should at least be changed so noice/sound is in the yellow/red level on input meters.
Maybe a boost pedal in front the Axe to switch levels? What pedal would be right for this if so?
Or make banks for Fender/Gibson respectfully?

As long as you are getting a decent level from the input, you will be fine. I do not change input levels when I switch guitars. It really is not critical. We are talking 24 bits here. That's a ton of headroom for a guitar signal. Just set your loudest guitar to just tickling the red and be done with it.
A Global setting for the Amp Block's Input Trim would be nice for this scenario
(although I appreciate that soon, there could be so many parameters for so many situations that the main focus could get lost amidst the melee!)
A Global setting for the Amp Block's Input Trim would be nice for this scenario
(although I appreciate that soon, there could be so many parameters for so many situations that the main focus could get lost amidst the melee!)

IMHO there is too much variables .... Active PU / LP / Strato / Tele etc , Input trim can't handle this huge changes and I feel too the Axe beeing very responsive about guit changes
That's as maybe, but the old Input Trim adage of 0.5 for humbuckers and 1.0 single coils is a pretty good start

Beyond that, of course there will be lots of tonal variety between guitars, but that's a prime and desirable reason for different guitars, isn't it..?
You could duplicate your patches from one bank to another and tweak for the other guitar. The MIDI PC OFFSET setting in the I/O menu would then let you access the tweaked versions from the same banks on your footcontroller since some controllers will only access 128 patches. You could just change the PC offset when you switch guitars and everything would work the same. It wouldn't even have to be in a separate bank. For example, Say you have presets 1-10 setup for a Les Paul and presets 11-20 setup as duplicates tweaked for a strat. When you use the Les Paul, set the MIDI PC OFFSET to 0 (the default). When you switch to the Strat, set MIDI PC OFFSET to 10. Then when you hit the button for preset 1 on your footcontroller, the Axe will go to preset 11 instead. Very handy and you don't have to change anything on your footcontroller either.
That's as maybe, but the old Input Trim adage of 0.5 for humbuckers and 1.0 single coils is a pretty good start

Beyond that, of course there will be lots of tonal variety between guitars, but that's a prime and desirable reason for different guitars, isn't it..?

Not really , almost for me ...
I have a G&L legacy running safely with 90% and moro on input ratio in the I/O page
And a Cavin DC880 at not more than 23% ...

I'm quite happy with the Carvin with inout trim around 0.7 / 0.8 depending on the amp style

I've noticed that with a LP a don't need to lower input trim and stay at 1.0 even with hi-gain amps on axe
The only change to this rule ( for me ) is on morphing presets a la Clarky

I feel 80% of the time or more I need to retweak the amp ( in more than a side ) drive and comp at list to have a good transition between guitars
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