Using a Fractal X Load as an fx loop


New Member
Hi all! I am wondering if it’s possible to create an FX Loop on a non FX Loop amp using my Fractal X Load with a standard pedalboard? I know it’s easily achievable when paired with something like an AXE FX III, FM9, FM3 because you can utilize and route the inputs/outputs, but can this be done without a fractal audio device, only using the X Load? Thanks!
The X Load will allow you to place effects after your amplifier, but you will need an additional amp to boost the signal back up to drive speakers.
The X Load will allow you to place effects after your amplifier, but you will need an additional amp to boost the signal back up to drive speakers.

The Fryette Power Station is exactly this concept. If you already have the LB-2, you just need another power amp. A solid state power amp will also work.
Thank you for the info! Would something like a Seymour Duncan Powerstage work as a solid state power amp? I’m looking for the most compact option possible. Cheers!
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