x-load lb-2

  1. G

    Using a Fractal X Load as an fx loop

    Hi all! I am wondering if it’s possible to create an FX Loop on a non FX Loop amp using my Fractal X Load with a standard pedalboard? I know it’s easily achievable when paired with something like an AXE FX III, FM9, FM3 because you can utilize and route the inputs/outputs, but can this be done...
  2. camilovelandiamusic

    X-Load crazy burnt smell....

    So I bought a used Sovtek Mig 100H today, plugged it in to the X-Load, and into the Axe FX III like I do with my other amps. After about 10 mins of playing, I decided to dime the amp, the fuse blew and turned off, and the X-Load started to smell all kinds of weird. I figured, shit, I burnt it...
  3. trancegodz

    X-Load LB-2

    I want to use the X-Load LB-2 with a Marshall 1959 SLP and the Axe FXIII for irs and effects. How exactly do you physically hook up the X-Load with the Axe FXIII to be able to use the cabs and effects in the Axe FXIII with a real amp through the X-Load? How do you have to set up the Axe FXIII...
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