USB Audio (Apple Music) glitching with FM3?

sick pickle

Seems like audio from Apple Music is glitching specifically with the FM3 connected. This is weird - restarted computer, restarted FM3, etc. My Helix never presented this issue. Has anyone else ever come across this with USB audio?
I have the same issue since yesterday, but the issue occurs with every music source... Music doesn't come through and sometimes a strange "processor" beeps can be heard... Swapped USB cables, restarted the whole thing, but without succes :-/
Have you tried creating a device for the FM3 with Audio Midi Setup? It's in Applications/Utilities. You can create Aggregate Audio Devices and Multi-output Devices (as well as some Airplay stuff). It solved a weird problem that sounds like you are experiencing when I had a FM3. Now I use it for an Aggregate Device for my AxeIII when recording with Logic. Hope that helps.

Screen Shot 2022-09-12 at 2.40.44 AM.png
Seems like audio from Apple Music is glitching specifically with the FM3 connected. This is weird - restarted computer, restarted FM3, etc. My Helix never presented this issue. Has anyone else ever come across this with USB audio?
  • Has this just started happening with the FM3? Was the FM3 backing up, restoring or saving presets?
  • What type of Mac, and what version of macOS are you running? Does the problem occur immediately, or after the computer has had a chance to start a screen saver? Has the computer gone to sleep then been awakened then the problem occurs?
  • What version of the FM3 firmware are you running?
  • Is the Mac connection using a USB-A or USB-C connection port? How long is the USB cable? Are you using a USB hub?
  • Have you read section 3 in the manual?
  • Do you have a DAW or another app running that is trying to talk to the FM3?
  1. Power down the computer and FM3.
  2. Disconnect all devices from the USB except the keyboard and mouse if they’re connected by USB. Disconnect any USB hubs too.
  3. Power up the computer.
  4. Unplug the USB-B from the FM3. Plug in the other end of the USB cable to the Mac.
  5. Power-up the FM3, wait for it to boot, then connect the USB-B connector to it.
  6. Play some computer audio.
The goal is to remove any other device that could be contributing to the problem.

I can play audio through my FM3 or other Fractal units without glitches. All three are directly connected to USB-A ports on my iMac Pro running the current macOS. All drives are on a separate powered hub connected to a USB-C port. Anything else that needs to be powered by the USB, like for charging, is on a separate powered hub.

There are some Energy Saver settings that can help connectivity problems. IIRC, I have these on:
  • “Prevent your Mac from sleeping automatically when the display is off”
  • “Wake for network access”
And “Put hard disks to sleep when possible” is off.
  • Has this just started happening with the FM3? Was the FM3 backing up, restoring or saving presets?
I just got the FM3. So as far as I know, its something that has been happening since day 1. FM3 connected to MacBook Pro 14" with FM3 Edit and Apple Music as the only apps running.
  • What type of Mac, and what version of macOS are you running? Does the problem occur immediately, or after the computer has had a chance to start a screen saver? Has the computer gone to sleep then been awakened then the problem occurs?
MacBook Pro 14". Latest MacOS. Problem seems to occur when I just start playing a song - the song will play and 'skip' or glitch out of time and then continue to play. No screensaver running when it happens.
  • What version of the FM3 firmware are you running?
Latest available Firmware
  • Is the Mac connection using a USB-A or USB-C connection port? How long is the USB cable? Are you using a USB hub?
FM3 is the only device connected, directly to USB port on the side of the MacBook Pro.
  • Have you read section 3 in the manual?
Yep! Nothing in here that has changed the outcome.
  • Do you have a DAW or another app running that is trying to talk to the FM3?
Only FM3 Edit and Apple Music are open
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