Updating from 7.00 to 10.11, do I need a bot?


I want to update from 7.00 to 10.11. Can I do it the old fashion way, or do I need to use the Fractal Bot? The problem with that is, I'm os 10.6.8 for mac, and I believe it says I have to be on 10.75.

Thanks Danny, that sounds encouraging. Dose anybody know if I can update without bot completely?
I frequently use bot to switch between versions 6, 10 and 11. No problem with firmware. Occasional "message timeout" errors when backing up banks, but nothing that causes any issues.

Suggest you use it first to backup your old version system and preset banks (just the ones you use). Then load firmware, system and banks in that order.
Gentle reminder to load the new driver first. Can't tell you how frustrated I was trying to get the Bot to work I initially. Once one of my brethren reminded me about the driver all went completely smooth. No hiccups since. Good luck.
I want to update from 7.00 to 10.11. Can I do it the old fashion way, or do I need to use the Fractal Bot? The problem with that is, I'm os 10.6.8 for mac, and I believe it says I have to be on 10.75.

I updated to 11 using AxeEdit 1.9. I am also using os 10.6.8. Everything worked fine.
I'm not trying to hijack this thread,but it seems to be discussing one of my problems. I upgraded to fv10.12 and can't seem to find any step by step proceedures for using midi ox with windows7 for updating presets. I don't see any of the new presets with the v10.12 update. Thankyou in advance. Oh i did try to use fractalbot to update presets,but I could only get it to backup presets.
I'm not trying to hijack this thread,but it seems to be discussing one of my problems. I upgraded to fv10.12 and can't seem to find any step by step proceedures for using midi ox with windows7 for updating presets. I don't see any of the new presets with the v10.12 update. Thankyou in advance. Oh i did try to use fractalbot to update presets,but I could only get it to backup presets.
Did you try individual presets or a bank?
First of all thanks for the response. I tried both ways using bot, I selected all,and then tried individual (A,B,C). You could see the software gathering on the computer screen,but there was nothing happening on the axe or mfc101. I used wallwart with midi connection to the mfc101.
I'm sorry I forgot to mention that after giving up, I noticed the startup of the mfc101 scrolling through the LED's is much slower the before. Don't know if that's a problem or not.
If you upgraded your MFC firmware then no, that's how it should be. It's in the MFC firmware release notes, IIRC it has something to do with if the MFC boots up faster than the Axe time-outs could occur.
Thanks for the response swervedriver: So the booting up slow is ok. Well I don't want to take up anymore time on ace79s thread. This seemed to be the only place that was talking about the problem. Once again sorry for the intrusion.
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