Updating Banks v4

I had never had a problem loading banks before V4 (have only had one minor issue with firmware updates).

But, in my case, I had messed around with the USB driver parameters when I was doing some ProTools 10 projects.

I ended up getting the V4 banks to load without changing the USB driver parameters, but since this is the first time I've had any issue I'm wondering if it is related?

(Windows 7 64 bit.)

I had the same problems in the past but was using a ver of ae that not the latest. Updating to the latest then solved the problem that time, not this time.
How do you confirm that you have got the v4 banks in the unit?

I guess one quick way to know would be to change the names of one preset or something on all 3 Banks before loading the new V4 banks..then after loading new bank presets you should be able to check that they'll have the original names.
Patch 114 or 115(depending on if you start at 00 or 01) was changed in the new banks to "Deluxe Tape". If you have that patch, then you have successfully updated to the v4 banks. Or at least bank A for sure.
V4.01 Firmware and all new banks updated without a hitch in about 15 minutes total - I love it when things work as they should. Good work FAS!
Patch 114 or 115(depending on if you start at 00 or 01) was changed in the new banks to "Deluxe Tape". If you have that patch, then you have successfully updated to the v4 banks. Or at least bank A for sure.

Didn't think of that. Thanks Mott!
Ok so some ways to see that something have changed. But still think it would be good if one could see if the transfers were succesful. Not just that axe-edit ends transmitting.
Tsk. So much doubt! Put an "X" or something in the name of a preset in each bank. When you are done loading banks those presets won't have the "X" in the name anymore, thus you will know they updated.
claham said:
Ok so some ways to see that something have changed. But still think it would be good if one could see if the transfers were succesful. Not just that axe-edit ends transmitting.

If you just want to know the presets have transferred, change the view in axe manage from 'list view' to 'detail view' and you will have a column for 'last sync or save'. The new files transferred will have the recent time stamp. You can do this for each bank you view in axe manage. View is a menu item just above the preset list BTW.

Also when you view the banks directly under Axe-FX in axe manage during a transfer the presets turn green one at a time as they transfer...
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axme said:
V4.01 Firmware and all new banks updated without a hitch in about 15 minutes total - I love it when things work as they should. Good work FAS!

Are you saying that the banks updated automatically with the firmware update? This was not my experience.
There is no supported way for a user to update the factory banks at this time. The new banks provided are for the user banks.
Update firmware will NOT work for loading banks to the factory area.

What is the difference between a user bank, and a factory bank? The manual makes no such distinction as far as I can tell. It only says: "the*384*presets*are*organized*into*three*banks.*Bank*A*contains*presets*0–127,*B*contains*128–255,*and*C*contains*256–383." There's 3 banks. That's it isn't it? Or am I missing something?

There's also no mention of how exactly to use Axe Manage. The manual says "coming soon". The only blow by blow for updating the banks that I've found was one from two years ago:


I'd love to be able to learn Axe-Manage without having to hack at it until it works.

Anybody up for a blow by blowy for updating banks?

Not in the Axe ii wiki either. At least not with the search "updating banks"
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Factory banks are what came factory installed. Changing them or replacing them makes them now a "User" bank, IMHO. Also, on disk one can have millions of "User banks."
What is the difference between a user bank, and a factory bank? The manual makes no such distinction as far as I can tell. It only says: "the*384*presets*are*organized*into*three*banks.*Bank*A*contains*presets*0–127,*B*contains*128–255,*and*C*contains*256–383." There's 3 banks. That's it isn't it? Or am I missing something?

There's also no mention of how exactly to use Axe Manage. The manual says "coming soon". The only blow by blow for updating the banks that I've found was one from two years ago:


I'd love to be able to learn Axe-Manage without having to hack at it until it works.

Anybody up for a blow by blowy for updating banks?

Not in the Axe ii wiki either. At least not with the search "updating banks"

Load new bank into Axe-Manage--I just locate the desired bank in the sidebar, but you can also use Import Bank under the File menu on the Axe-Manage window. Under File select Send To Axe-FX and then select This Bank on the popout. At the prompt, select whether you want the sent bank to go to Axe-FX bank A or B Or C.

Repeat this for each bank you want to update.


Not to belabor the point, but I find Axe-Manage really easy to navigate and use despite the lack of a finished manual. Most of the menu items seem self-explanatory.

Danny W.
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Thanks Vegas/Danny - that helps. After whacking at it for a few minutes I agree; It's fairly self explanatory. Still, it seems an awful lot of gui not to be documented.

I'm shouldn't complain though. The updates to the Axe are well worth the resources IMO. Frankly, it's amazing how much bang for the buck this setup has given me. The Amps in my collection have been silent since I took shipment of the Axe.
Thanks Vegas/Danny - that helps. After whacking at it for a few minutes I agree; It's fairly self explanatory. Still, it seems an awful lot of gui not to be documented.

I'm shouldn't complain though. The updates to the Axe are well worth the resources IMO. Frankly, it's amazing how much bang for the buck this setup has given me. The Amps in my collection have been silent since I took shipment of the Axe.

Glad to have helped.

Note that there is some useful documentation--here are some shortcuts that might be useful:

Axe-Edit: managing presets - Axe-Fx II Wiki

Danny W.
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