UPDATE - rectifier + powerball


update - DAS UBER

UPDATE 01/27/11

As simple as the previous ones, you can program it directly and improve it easily as well

LEFT AMP = DAS METALL ** LEFT CAB = 4x12 30W (air 35% 3500hz)

drive 4 * boost on * bass 7 * mid 7 * treb 9 * bright on * pres 8 * mast 3 * lvl -3.75



drive 7 * boost on * bass 7 * mid * 6 * treb * 7 * bright on * pres 7 * mast 3 * lvl 3.75


POST GEQ ** -8.1 ** -5.4 ** -2.7 ** 0 ** -0.9 ** 0.9 ** -3.6 ** 0


ENHANCER ** 13% ** invert left
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Re: high gain VH4 patch w/ axe IRs

dude...i was struggling gettin a good sound goin when i firstgot my standard...these settings are sweet! got any more?? :p
Re: high gain VH4 patch w/ axe IRs

also im kindve a gain whore and threw mine up to around 6 but am now getting a slight feedback when i do quick chug chokes...how do you have your gate set for this setting?
Re: high gain VH4 patch w/ axe IRs

Thanks, I'm really inexperienced with the gate, still working on it. Make sure to not use the enhancer (if ever you engaged it)

All my current patches are based on this one, you can have some great lead/fusion tones just by changing the amp type + minor tweakings (gain/boost and filter lvl) .. try brit 900, brown, usa ryh 2, usa lead 2, and eggie 20 (my favourite). ;)
Great stuff man, very nice feel to both of them. The cab combo's spot on. I had to cut the hi-pass filter you've got to make it work with my 7-string though;)
Yup, these three cabs were meant for each other :mrgreen:
Could you tell me at which point on the frequency range such a high-pass hi-pass becomes a hindrance ?
I tend to pull the hipass significantly back, somewhere around 60 or 70hz, and then cut some bass a little later on. There's a lot of resonance in those very low frequencies on a low tuned guitar which (to me at least) affect the feel when it comes to low muting etc. In a recording environment I'd be cutting those significantly later on anyway too, and I haven't really used anything like this in band settings/volumes since I use a six string in that context. You could be spot on with the 295hz hipass.
Bump, major update

p.s. for more gain, use the bright cap controls into the advanced sections..
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Just downloaded. While I don't play alot of heavy stuff I do play more modern rock every now and then, and this is freakin great. One of the most plug n play patches I've seen on here. Nice work
Tired to load this up on my Standard tonight and it loaded but I'm not getting any sound out. I don't use the Cab sims since i run through an amp FX-loop. Am I doing something wrong or just have the volume too low? It is weird.

I don't know, maybe because the amps are hard panned ? But if you don't use the patch with its own cabs, it really lose all its interests, and the gEQ won't be fitted for your cab(s)

My pickups are seymour SH-5, I'm using the front input, level at noon ..
Make sure all the cables are connected in the axe fx grid, alot of times when I import patches some cables get left out. Also if you don't run stereo one of the cabs is panned hard right, you wouldn't be able to hear it at all.
Hum... I'm starting to think it has to do w/ this being a Standard vs. Ultra. I can import other patches and this one imports too... i just don't get any sound output. This definitely is an issue with other patches too, so pointing at the 'blame the standard' is a possibility too. I do use the 4CM w/ my amp now, but looking to move to a stand-alone power-amp set-up soon.
Hum... I'm starting to think it has to do w/ this being a Standard vs. Ultra.

Negative sir. I loaded this onto my standard with latest firmware with no problems. However when you import things sometimes not everything is transfered correctly. For instance I cannot import custom geq blocks because when they load into my unit they are always default, not whats on axe edit.
Negative sir. I loaded this onto my standard with latest firmware with no problems. However when you import things sometimes not everything is transfered correctly. For instance I cannot import custom geq blocks because when they load into my unit they are always default, not whats on axe edit.

in that case, i will investigate quite a bit further. thank you!
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