UPDATE - rectifier + powerball

Never had this problems but it happens frequently that the preset manager doesn't find some/any patches .. as if every axe-edit specimens had their own personalities .. Cliff's pushing back the frontiers of artificial intelligence oO
Never had this problems but it happens frequently that the preset manager doesn't find some/any patches .. as if every axe-edit specimens had their own personalities .. Cliff's pushing back the frontiers of artificial intelligence oO

Use the Recall > Import From Preset File feature on the main screen to load up single patches easier. :)

Use the Recall > Import From Preset File feature on the main screen to load up single patches easier. :)

this is how i normally load them up. it definitely loads... but then no sound. im tryingto figure out whatte culprit could be. currently i'm at a loss.
Thanks biggness ! I can find the invisibles patches via this method but still can't load them. Sometimes it works when I change the name .. (no big deal anyway)
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