Unexplained popping noise out of monitors for many presets


While using most factory presets ranging from 60 to 85% cpu my monitors consistently pop no matter which guitar I use. Most user presets do not pop and when I switch to my kemper at the same volume they are dead quiet.

Im am currently on firmware beta 20 (Axe FX 2 XL) but had this issue the last few firmwares. I have tried to troubleshoot the issue with no luck and decreasing input gain doesnt help.

Anybody have any idea what the problem could be? What would the difference be between the factory presets and the user presets?

Thanks for the advice. Before taking it I installed the new beta firmware and without adjusting anything as per your suggestion I tried most of the factory presets at the same volumes as yesterday and I experienced no popping noises out of my monitors. Does this make any sense to you at all?

Needless to say the problem is solved and the tones are just killer. Excellent work as usual sir. You are a legend in your own time.

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