UltraRes vs NormalRes one last time!

Which one is UltraRes?

  • The first clip was UltraRes.

    Votes: 46 41.8%
  • The second clip was UltraRes.

    Votes: 64 58.2%

  • Total voters

Weird those two clips ,sounds almost same. If there is only that much different whit ultrares and normal ,maybe i don't need then update new firmware yet. Im still in 12.01. But second sounds better in my ears ,and good poll again.
I like every reasonable answer. :)

I'm afraid no matter what will end up being the real answer, people will offend me and the test because of the volume difference. I have to state that I only did that because I was unsure myself. Sure... if I toggle between UltraRes and NormalRes I do prefer the UltraRes. I don't think the difference is big but there is a difference at least in volume. If I take that factor away what is the difference?

And in addition it's not HiRes vs UltraRes but LoRes vs UltraRes.

I think there are two types of voters in this poll: 1) people who understand how a longer IR affects tone and vote based on that 2) people who use their ears and vote for which sounds better. IMO the people in "group 2" are concentrating on the essential.

I almost put an option #3 in this poll: "I wouldn't bet money on it.". :)
I like every reasonable answer. :)

I'm afraid no matter what will end up being the real answer, people will offend me and the test because of the volume difference. I have to state that I only did that because I was unsure myself. Sure... if I toggle between UltraRes and NormalRes I do prefer the UltraRes. I don't think the difference is big but there is a difference at least in volume. If I take that factor away what is the difference?

And in addition it's not HiRes vs UltraRes but LoRes vs UltraRes.

I think there are two types of voters in this poll: 1) people who understand how a longer IR affects tone and vote based on that 2) people who use their ears and vote for which sounds better. IMO the people in "group 2" are concentrating on the essential.

I almost put an option #3 in this poll: "I wouldn't bet money on it.". :)

The poll is closed but I prefer #2. To me it is meatier in the mid-range and full. #1 seems thinner and more hollow. Both sound great.
OK, I don't know enough about UR to be able to tell which is which. I prefer the clearer bass notes in clip 2, and from what I've read this could be UR, but I prefer the mid range in clip 1. So what this says to me is that, as with all sonic differences, a good player will adjust his technique to suit. When the result is revealed it would be useful to know which sound CK was hearing when he recorded the clip, and which is the "re-amped" clip.
i did not think ultrares was supposed to affect harmonics?

Harmonics on guitar exist in the mid and high range of the spectrum, so if the IR reproduces those frequencies better, then the harmonics will be more pronounced.
Well... the results are so close to each other it's making me think what it would be like if I never gave the answer. :lol

Because when I do give the answer people will know which is which and then their psychology will force them to prefer that clip: "Oh, now that I listen to it I definitely like the UltraRes version. I didn't know what to listen for." :)

If it's around 50/50 it doesn't matter what the answer is on a general level but just on a personal level. So yeah.. I will give the result. (Just teasing you guys.)

But still I'm pretty let down by these comparisons. I know for a fact that this IR was 6 seconds long before UltraRes so it's definitely long enough so we should hear a clear difference but do we?
The way it sounds to me in these clips is that the UltraRes sounds more realistic overall and has a real dynamic feeling throughout the spectrum. It's not just in the low end but you can pick it up in the low end easier. The NormalRes IR simply sounds like it has a lower quality so maybe sounds a tad more digital. UltraRes sounds darker.

However... if you really want to hear the differences you should boost the volume up quite a bit. That should make it a lot clearer. And based on what I just explained you should be able to know which is which. ;)
although I don't have a horse in this race, Ultra Res doesn't make me jump for joy. But… I'll take more accuracy with no real hit to CPU any day of the week. There's no real downside to it, but if people still want normal res it's there too. I suppose the discussion of "is it amazing?" is fun, but it doesn't really change truth... it's as "good" as it is regardless of what our opinions are, nothing more or less.
What driver is in your cab?
Thanks for the IRs.
I'll try them out when I get a chance.

Just wondering how you did this....

Did you shoot the non-UltraRes IR of the same cab at some earlier time in the past or is it derived from the same raw IR as the UltraRes IR but just processed as a regular IR?

If the former, are you really sure that your entire signal chain, mic placement, etc. is EXACTLY the same this time around?

#2 sounds more musical.
#1 has more bass but it sounds more flubby and distorted and less musical than #1.
So maybe #2 is the UR?
Clark,you said that you like the UR more.. and so do i. And that is good for us. I will keep on playing the UR. It gives me "more" clarity.. i like it.
I have voted for 2 as Ultrares.....I hear that same kind of 'high' which were available through FAS with V13.........a bit more juicy ...?? Not something what could be added by EQ ????
I have only tried really clean sounds yet with the UR that was included in FW13. But to me the second has something of the 'quality' I've felt using the URs, a clearer sound. But I've so far liked to add a null mic and some degree of proximity when using the URs.
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