Two Stone J35 - picky about cabs but sounds great

Here is another recording. This time it's my personal Two Rock preset with the OwnHammer 212-GTR MAR-66 G65-OR LG IR:

The three sections in the clip are:
1. Just cleans
2. Solo with Zen Master drive block
3. Solo with Two Stone J35 1 amp model (no drive pedals)

A few things I've observed:
1. The transients can be tamed by setting Master to 5. My first recording had too much (!) dynamic range. It's fixed now.
2. The Treble switch isn't necessary. Previously I had it but the amp sounds nicer without too much high end. It became clear when I compared to a recording that I love.
3. The F071 4x12 D120 cab sounds pretty good too.
I forgot to say, killer delay + reverb! It doesn't get in the way but is wonderful for clean lines.

Thanks brother! Your preset and clip sound awesome (I'm definitely more a fan of the factory cab and not as much for the Ownhammer).

The only slight changes I made on it are 0.25 for depth and 0.75 for output comp. They are both are subtle but help fill out/balance the tone just a bit better
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