Two new Bass Patches (11/09/2010) - See notes for details.


Power User
Ok, before I even start, I'm going to lead this off by saying that I use a BBE Sonic Maximizer in my rig with all knobs set to 1 o'clock. People will tell you you don't need one and you can get just as good of a tone without one, but I can tell you from personal experience that in an A/B comparison of the tones, there's a LOT more presence and clarity with the Sonic Maximixer, both with bass and guitar.

Now, that said, I have added in an EQ compensation in each of these patches for those who don't use a sonic maximizer, which I will explain in a minute.

Ok, first things first. I had set global EQ 2 in my Axe to compensate for the tone difference between direct and playing through my cabs, which are Fender (a 4x10 and a 1x15 cab on each side). The original plan was to use output 2 to play through my amp and cabs with the global eq settings, and to run direct from output 1 with a flat global eq. However, when I brought my rack back in here and hooked it up direct, I discovered that combining outputs 1 and 2 produced a better tone direct than output 1 alone.

To that end, I created a separate block in each of these patches with the same settings I used in global eq 2 and placed it in such a way as it would give the same tone running just output 1 that I was getting running both outputs together.

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So, here's how the patches are set up. This goes for both patches and will cover how to adjust them for various setups.

1. I've done my best to adjust the levels on both patches so that no matter what you enable or disable, it shouldn't clip. You may have to adjust levels for your particular bass, or if you adjust anything in the settings on your own, but the levels are generally close to being hot without clipping.

2. The 1st EQ block on line 1 (to the left of the cab block) is the EQ that's set to what I had global 2 set to. This should be left on always for the proper tone.

3. The cab blocks aren't recommended for either patch, because frankly, the tone is way better without them enabled. I personally find the bass cabs in the Axe far too resonant and dead, but if you'd like to use them, I've set them up and leveled them to sound pretty decent. I do have to say that in general, they sound better on the "Bass" patch than they do on the "Geddy Lee" patch. So use them for whatever your tastes are and whatever tone you're looking for.

4. Only keep line 2 connected to the output if you're running direct (or maybe through FRFR). If you're running through an amp / cab setup, disconnect the last block in line 2 from the output so the only signal getting to the output is from line 1 in the patch. If you leave both lines conencted in an amp/cab setup, it'll likely sound like crap.

5. The EQ blocks to the right of the cab blocks are the eq compensation blocks for those without a Sonic Maximizer. If you're using a Sonic Maximizer, leave these disabled. If you aren't, keep them enabled. Basically they boost the lows and the highs a bit, but they don't improve clarity or presence the way the Sonic Maximizer does. So basically, they're EQ compensation only, and it's not exact, but it's relatively close. You can try with them disabled as well if you'd like a flatter sounding tone.

6. The Resonance block can be enabled in each patch to create a very spatial tone and effect. In the Geddy Lee Patch, if you enable the Wah block, I strongly suggest enabling the resonance block as well.

7. Also, the resonance blocks are only really noticeable with the cab blocks disabled. The cab blocks ruin the effect. I personally use the resonance block as a replacement for cab sims in many instances because it gives that depth and width to the sound without changing the tone. It sounds particularly good in the bass.syx patch.

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As for the patches themselves...

Bass.syx is a mellow type of bass tone with the highs dampened while still retaining upper register presence.

My Bass Settings for this patch - EMG HZ 35 pickups, bass knob max, treble knob center. You can also use center pickup with bass maxed or centered and treble knob centered.

Geddy Lee.syx was my attempt at getting a Geddy Lee style tone. I got fairly close I think, but there's a quality to his tone that I just can't seem to put my finger on. I'm not sure if it's something in his equalizer settings or something else he's running through, or if it's just his bass that's giving it that quality. This patch sounds best with the cabs disabled. You can try them for a different type of a tone, but generally this is a rather bright patch and the cabs will dampen it a lot, so I would suggest leaving them disabled.

My Bass Settings for this patch - EMG HZ 35 pickups, bass knob max, treble knob max. Center pickups aren't recommended for this patch as it's supposed to be more of a bright and grindy sounding tone.

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That's about it. I hope some of you out there will find them useful. I know the instructions sound confusing, but when you look at the patches they'll make sense. It was necessary to make them like this to cover a variety of setups.

They should be very versatile and very easy to modify for your specific setup and tastes.

Re: Two new Bass Patches (11/09/2010) - See notes for detail

One minor change to the Geddy patch and one small note. I've updated the patch notes in the zip file and in the original post, and updated the geddy patch both individually and in the zip package with the following fix. I've also added a note about the resonance blocks (#7 above) to the release notes.

If you've already downloaded the geddy patch, the fix is quick and simple. Just change the wah block level from -1.0 to 0.

That's it. Comments are always welcome. If you find them useful, let me know. :)
Re: Two new Bass Patches (11/09/2010) - See notes for detail

Cool man, if you have any questions let me know. Should be pretty easy to tweak for your particular basses and setup. At least I hope they are. :)
Re: Two new Bass Patches (11/09/2010) - See notes for detail

Thanks !
I have a bass recording session tomorrow so i'll try your patchs ! :)
Re: Two new Bass Patches (11/09/2010) - See notes for detail

Awesome! I just did some recording with them and I'm really digging both of them. Try them with the resonator blocks on and no cabs. They both sound really sweet with the resonators on or off, but with them on they sound really sweet.

Let me know how it goes! :)
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